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Author Topic: night discussion topic i guess [night 1305]  (Read 2082855 times)

okay seriously why the forget do you guys post so many birds whats the appeal i dont get it is this some kind of inside joke that im not getting because i dont glue myself to this topic or is it all a coincidence and im just freaking out here

okay seriously why the forget do you guys post so many birds whats the appeal i dont get it is this some kind of inside joke that im not getting because i dont glue myself to this topic or is it all a coincidence and im just freaking out here
forget do you have against birds

There has been quite a bunch of birds, and some spiders, and rabbits

I think birds are cute, so i was just letting it slide, but yeah, this topic's kind of turning into a Discovery Channel thread as of late...

let's discuss hobbies then

what the forget do you guys do?

i collect sneakers, flip balisongs, throw yoyos, and draw
also i don't know if playing a metric stuff-ton of rhythm games counts as a hobby but i do that too

birds, and rabbits

you can partly blame me for the first one lol, since I got a bird ive posted a picture of him at least once a week on discord and sometimes post those pictures here

I'm the only one that's posted rabbits though

I like rabbits fight me.

what the forget do you guys do?

draw stuff and collect gemstones / minerals

what the forget do you guys do?
I am the Nightrider. I'm a fuel-injected Self Delete machine. I am the rocker, I am the roller, I am the out-of-controller! I am the chosen one. The mighty hand of vengeance, sent down to strike the unroadworthy! I'm hotter than a rollin' dice. Step right up, chum, and watch the kid lay down the rubber road, ride to freedom!

tfw u spend 4 hours making a post many people won't pay attention to

I am the Nightrider. I'm a fuel-injected Self Delete machine. I am the rocker, I am the roller, I am the out-of-controller! I am the chosen one. The mighty hand of vengeance, sent down to strike the unroadworthy! I'm hotter than a rollin' dice. Step right up, chum, and watch the kid lay down the rubber road, ride to freedom!
aka australian

saw lego batman movie, loved it

oh it's that time a' night again
the beginning of night