
okay fuck that freek vs nonnel bullshit who bumped this thread

somebody gay probably x D
Eh I 'T Does nt Really Matter Know Does It ? ? !

Author Topic: Post Users You Like (uh)  (Read 32787 times)

I like McJob more than McJob, McJob just seems kinda jerk-like, but McJob's totally cool

corn on the mccob
is this a gr8day for you

it's a fantastic day

ive always preferred mcjobless

updated list because i actually forgot my other one:

donnie's catch
handsome dude
and a ton of other great dudes and maybe a dudette or 2 who i can't recall the names of right now

users i like
not mcjob

users i hate

i somehow managed to forget mcjob and trogtor as well god damnit

tttttttbh everyone likes trogtor and mcjob

adding on to the list:

night fox
I have achieved greatness.

tttttttbh everyone likes trogtor and mcjob

they're unrelentingly flamboyantly spicy, so yeah

organized in A-Z fashion, pretty much all from the several discords I've been in but you might see a few different names pop up. Also, sorry if there's a disparity between forum name and discord name, but I'll note it if I have it remembered, though I'll usually just call people by how I refer to them.

Ahead - The entire time I've known you, you've been an enjoyable and humorous person to be around, and actually managed to get me to use this avatar, which is no small task considering I almost never change it, and I'm really glad to have met you.

Charles - I don't talk to you all that often but, man, you seem awesome.

crazy - dude you're loving crazy need I say more

Flaire - You're cool. Please do not ever tell anyone how I acted on the Blockland Discord.

Gamer (Prjizevire???????) - You're cool too.

Hodot - Man, I don't talk to you enough, but holy hell you're like my exact opposite when it comes to social situations and somehow you're loving amazing.

Infinite Phantasm - You're cool too, too.

Maxwell - You're really fun to hang around, but I'm afraid to admit I just can't see ass (or maths for that matter) the same way you do. I'm really envious because of that. Plus, along with Ahead, you chipped in to making this avatar beautiful as well as making it SCOOOOTTTTLLLAAAAND FOOOORRREEEEEEVEEEEER!

Maplelink - Your jokes kill me inside but by god you're a very nice person and I hope you stay that way for as long as you live.

McJob - Do I really need to explain? Your sense of humor combined with your genuine insight makes you an amazing person to be around, and I thank you for that.

Nawaji - You're very fun to talk to, and I'm thankful you let me watch you play your games sometimes, as I find them you a very enjoyable person to watch stream.

Nickpb (And by connection, his entire Glory Hole discord) - I've met so many chill people at your discord, and I really cannot express my gratitude enough for letting me be a part of your group.

Nonnel - I don't talk to you enough to get a good enough opinion but dammit, from what I have seen of you, you seem alright.

Remurr - I haven't really talked with you much either, but damn you sound great too.

Sky (Purple Metro) - You have your quirks but dammit, if I never joined your discord on a whim one day months ago I would never be where I am today and I really cannot express how thankful to you for that, you're great.

Space Inaba (Clownfish) - Ever since everyone seemingly migrated to your discord (myself included), I've had the time of my life connecting to everyone, including you, and whether or not you know you're a great person, I think you are, and you've had more of an impact on my life than you'll ever know.

Tornado Kirby - dude you're loving great too, but if you call me Zach one more time I swear I'll remove you from this list

XR-7 - because I want to jump on the "mention XR-7" bandwagon while most people might just yell "blogland" for the way you share your life with us, I'm thankful you do that, and I'm glad you're willing to share these stories with us, among other things.

I'm sorry I forgot so many people, I wrote this up in a hurry and I'm just about to go to bed.

Also, bump. Let's spread the happiness here, people.

Also, bump. Let's spread the happiness here, people.
there is no happiness