Author Topic: help me: my dog is acting unusual  (Read 1206 times)

Someone has to be home by now. If not, ring up a friend and ask them to drive you over.

after we took my dog to the vet, we came to the comclusion that he has (or had) a stomach pain.
we waited around a few hours, and he seems more like his normal self. he's now eating and no longer whining at us constantly

i'm going to lock the thread here because i think the issues are gone, but i'll reopen the thread tomorrow if he's still acting like he was.

been a few days, this is still happening. i guess i should explain what happened.
we took the dog to the vet, who took a blood sample. we're still waiting for results, but we expect to see them by tuesday.

today, the dog has not eaten or drank anything at all. he's been pacing around for most of the day, seemingly in a daze. he won't even rest, let alone sleep by himself. he only got some rest today because we had the vet drug him. he hasn't had any major seizures, but he's been twitching all day, as if he was going to have one at any moment.
i don't know what to do anymore. i don't even know what's causing this behaviour, because it's certainly not what i thought it was.
seriously, i'd like advice. i fear he's going to collapse from exhaustion or die of hunger or whatever if i don't do anything.

You might have to forcefeed your dog but dogs can last a while without food. I'd be more concerned about the dog drinking water.

Maybe it was suddenly hit with piecrust artificial reproduction organs

You might have to forcefeed your dog but dogs can last a while without food. I'd be more concerned about the dog drinking water.
This, if he won't eat get him as hydrated as possible.

takke it to tbe veet dub
i could try calling up the local vet but they might tell me to book an appointment, which i can't do right now

he's dead.
we took him to the vet for one last time and learned that one of his seizures triggered a stroke. he wouldn't recover from this, so we had no choice but to put him down.
i guess i'll be locking this.