Author Topic: Zealot's D&D Server  (Read 3385 times)

Attention to all would-be Adventurers!

I hold D&D games on Blockland a lot. You can read about them in this thread.
No experience neccessary! Characters will be premade unlike I speak to you in advance and chosen first-come first-serve!

Anyone who is stupid or disruptive will be promptly removed from the server!
We will not play with someone who irritates the group!
« Last Edit: June 10, 2016, 05:34:07 AM by McZealot »

Sounds neat. I'm really indecisive with character creation, so premade is nice.

Let's hear it for Lynnel the Loser, who got 3 crit failures in a row, and got leprosy.

Pretty good game though. I think things got a little chaotic with the deck of cards, but it was nice way to end, with an explosion of absolute chaos.

trapped in a soul gem / 10
good game

i'm glad i managed to kill everyone
atleast i saved a life at the end tho
and i got a loving CASTLE GG

This would make for a great "Where are they now?" segment.

KORITH the WARRIOR: Now King of the Ants
LYNNEL the BARD: Died of Leprosy
THEOBOLD the PALADIN: Eaten by a mob
STOMES the ARCHER: Trapped in a Soul Gem
THEODIN THE WIZARD: Lord of Fort Cedar

Oh man that was hilarious.

Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up.

A messenger comes up to the party requesting aid hunting brigands in a city.
Sir Theobold the Magnificent rushes off to the city before he can finish talking.
Sir Theobold loudly declares himself to the guards.
Upon entering the city, Sir Theobold runs off into an alley at random.
He encounters a homeless man.
Sir Theobold asks if he has seen any brigands.
The homeless man gets angry and punches Sir Theobold.
Sir Theobold cleaves the foul brigand in twain.
Sir Theobold's comapnion, Lynnel, tries to loot the corpse. She gets leprosy.
Some time later, Sir Theobold rushes off again.
Sir Theobold runs into a signpost and injures himself.
Sir Theobold cuts down the treant that had so rudely obstructed his path.
They arrive at an inn. Some useless plot later, combat erupts in a nearby alley.
Sir Theobold rushes into the thick of it.
A deck of cards is looted from a corpse.
Theodin the Wizard casts Acid Arrow. He rolls a one.
Everybody is reduced to negative HP.
They wake up in a healer's house.
The healer asks the bard to do a magic trick.
She picks a card, any card, and instantly gains a level.
More people draw cards, some magical effects occur.
Theodin draws a card that grants him a noble title and a castle.
Stomes the Archer is disintegrated and soul-trapped in a gem by a card.
The townsfolk hear of the deck of cards that work miracles.
A huge crowd forms outside the healer's house.
Lynnel draws a card that summons a demon. Oops. Nothing of note happens.
Sir Theobold the Magnificent has a cunning plan.
Sir Theobold asks the healer if she has a normal deck of cards.
She gives him a normal deck of cards in exchange for a magic card, which makes her son explode.
The crowd breaks down the door.
Sir Theobold nobly sacrifices himself playing 52 pickup with the crowd tearing at him to buy time for his comrades to abscond with the magical cards.
Theodin casts Acid Arrow again, this time using it to disperse the crowd to pick up Sir Theobald's unconscious body.
They flee to Fort Cedar, Theodin's new property.

Sounds like a good D&D session.

I will be running a Paranoia session tonight.
You must post in the thread if you are going to participate-
I will PM you your character sheet.
We will be running the mission code-named "RED-clearance Dawn".

What you need to know about the setting:
Everything is color coded by security clearance, from INFRARED, black, to ULTRAVIOLET, white. You start as RED clearance.
You are a troubleshooter. You are sent on missions to find trouble and shoot it.
Alpha Complex is a utopia ruled by your Friend, the Computer.
You can advance in security clearance by turning in traitors.
Fellow Troubleshooters make good traitors to turn in.
You have 5 backup clones in case of death.
Player-versus-player is encouraged.
Trust no-one! Keep your laser handy!
Some things that are treason:
-being a Commie
-being a mutant
-being in a secret society
-being in an area above your security clearance
-failing the mission
-aiding secret societies
-aiding the Commies
-doubting the Computer (your friend).
-saying Alpha Complex isn't utopia.
-using equipment above your security clearance
and so on.

Warning: knowing the rules is treason. Just trust the GM (arguing with the GM is treason) and have fun! Fun is mandatory. Failure to have fun is treason. Have a nice daycycle, citizen.

i have never played paranoia but it seems interesting from what ive heard

zealot told me to post about the disastrous 3 am adventure we had where the improv party spent an hour figuring out how to subdue a pickpocket and died as soon as we got into the castle

one player survived and after killing everyone else in the party via medical malpractice he managed to kill the demon lord by throwing a bunch of stuff at him and stabbing him with a holy seal he looted from my corpse
« Last Edit: June 10, 2016, 05:07:40 AM by DestroyerOfBlocks »

I want to say that was the worst DnD session I had ever experienced.
I want to say that our team was incompatible, that in no way whatsoever would we ever accomplish anything.
I want to say that we all died in the most anti-climactic way.
I want to say that I accomplished a lot, or that we all did well.
I want to say that the campaign was ready for whatever we would throw at the GameMaster.
I want to say that we all did our part to defeat the Bad Guy.
But I can't.
As both Theobold and Theodin died, Bumblewick, the short, strong, yet simple-minded dwarf survived a crash in an elevator. He exited the elevator and was quickly fought against by Lord Yugoslab. Having a vial of acid, he threw it hoping it would help. It didn't do much. The evil Lord Yugoslab was ready to kill him. But things would take a very unexpected turn. Having a holy seal looted from the corpse of Theobold, Bumblewick stabbed Yugoslab in the eye, hoping and praying the holy seal would do it's magic on the vile demon. It didn't do much either.
A sword, Bumblewick thought, A sword might do it. In hope of finishing off the demon, he plunged the sword into Yugoslab. It did some, but still not enough. Lord Yugoslab was fleeing in pain.
One more trick. One more tool. A dwarf goes nowhere without his pickaxe. A pickaxe. Sturdy, yet light enough to throw. One throw it took, as it flew into Yugoslab's back, finishing the final blow. A celebration was in order, yet no celebration would come. It was the dwarf's deathbed, and nothing could stop it. But, without help from his teammates, when it seemed he would die, when all hope seemed lost, he had single-handedly defeated the evil Lord Yugoslab. Halruaa was safe.
He had won.