
Quests & Bosses

(Quests) Quality is more important than quantity
17 (42.5%)
(Quests) Quantity is more important than quality
4 (10%)
(Bosses) Boss encounters should be the same every time (better balance / more cinematic)
13 (32.5%)
(Bosses) Boss encounters should be in the wild  to keep us on our toes
6 (15%)

Total Members Voted: 21

Author Topic: POLL: BL RPG Quest & Bosses  (Read 1446 times)

Running a poll to see what people prefer before I go ahead and make it. I'm making really great progress on it and the feedback is really helpful :)

As far as quests go, what kind of things would the players of BL like to see? Will simple errands do or do you prefer to see longer plots develop?
As far as bosses go, would you rather they're set up so you experience them a certain way, or would you rather not know when to expect them?

Please only select one from each, thanks for any opinions!

for quests, it's hard to say because it kinda depends on how they play into the rest of the game. if they're just kinda to the side then it doesn't make much a difference, but if they're a through-line for the entire game you'd probably want to make sure there's enough content to satisfy people, and at the same time you obviously want to make sure all of that content is compelling. i think runescape does a pretty good job with making neat quests in an online RPG setting. i haven't personally really seen any other game like it that does quests in a more interesting way.

i think there's a place for both with bosses. the occasional powerful field enemies that you bring a party together to fight are cool, but it's a lot easier to make neat levels and storylines if you deliberately place bosses as a kind of climax to a particular section of gameplay. also, i think there's value in players being able to anticipate what's next, esp. in an RPG setting where there's often stuff people might want to do to prepare for a more intense challenge. i'd say the latter would be the primary way to do things since it's much easier to design around.

also end-game players who have already gone through the structured content (or people who are grinding) would probably enjoy taking down more powerful, respawning field bosses. mabinogi is an RPG i'm aware of that's done this
« Last Edit: May 31, 2016, 09:15:47 PM by otto-san »

Stuff like well-structured plot and scripted encounters is great, just make sure there's stuff for players to do in their down time

I'd have one or two main quests / things to do, then simple tasks and errands that you do to help you further on your main quest(s). As for bosses, large, interesting boss rooms and bosses with special effects are nice.

Quality is better than quantity though there should be decent quantity before you work too hard on the quality

It does seem so far that people prefer interesting stories over "give 5 carrots to harold" quests.. Lucky me :cookieMonster:

I think I'm on board for the instanced coop boss fights if that's what people enjoy! I can always make sure there's some harder mobs in the game world. I'm away to bed now so I'll see where the poll stands in 8 hours and then get to work on finishing the quest system.

Edit: As a sweetener and a thank you, if over 30 people vote I'll make a short preview video of some fun things that are finished

i hate those stupid-ass "kill 20 wolves" quests why whwamg tjmgjawfk\o[plth,gw;a

they don't have to be incredibly heavy-handed in plot
they can be as simple as "yo man my homedawg [name] needs some product for a nigerian prince can you pick it up"
« Last Edit: May 31, 2016, 09:43:23 PM by The Resonte! »

The results are pretty conclusive, thanks all! I may or may not do the video depending on how much time I have today... It's really nice outside...

I wont do a video but here is a picture of a boss from early-game currently in-dev. Click for Spoiler

The idea of bosses being at the end of something is nice and helps pace the game(play).
However, i would love to see some hunting kinda quest where it works more like Monster Hunter.
So you know where about to look, but the boss roams around and sometimes runs away so you have to track it down.
Of course, when you have to track him down too much it just gets annoying, luckily Monster Hunter has a way of keeping track of where he is once you have found him for the first time in the form of a ball of paint that marks him for some time.
But the whole tracking a big monster down is pretty neat.