Author Topic: UCLA Shooting - Murder-Self Delete, lockdown lifted, classes cancelled  (Read 2961 times)

cops in schools is just protection of a vulnerable target.
In my state, police officers at schools aren't aloud to touch students at all, unless they're doing something illegal. I don't know if this is the same in other states.

Funny how this transpired literally a week after Milo Yiannopolis spoke there. Wonder if it was one of those tribal BLM rioters who stormed the stage at that event who did this.

Funny how this transpired literally a week after Milo Yiannopolis spoke there. Wonder if it was one of those tribal BLM rioters who stormed the stage at that event who did this.
well they were a week too late

I never understood the gun regulation in America

I never understood the gun regulation in America

it only took 31 minutes for this discussion to become about gun control

congratulations guys i think that's a new record

I never understood the gun regulation in America
shut up espio

it only took 31 minutes for this discussion to become about gun control

congratulations guys i think that's a new record

it's espio so it doesn't count

Why can't they try dueling it out with the cops for once?

Why can't they try dueling it out with the cops for once?

at high noon in the city square

with revolvers

to the death

Why can't they try dueling it out with the cops for once?

that's a level 25 exclusive mission