Author Topic: UCLA Shooting - Murder-Self Delete, lockdown lifted, classes cancelled  (Read 2962 times)

that's a level 25 exclusive mission
and only available on the pre-order dlc :cookieMonster:

inb4thebritishpeoplecomeintoc omplainaboutAmericasgunregula tion

i have banned all the british from entering this thread
£500 fine if u break the law kid

I never understood the gun regulation in America

only discount french so far but we're on the right track

and the dumbasses at my school wonder why we have 10 cops on campus

And people complain about police roaming the halls of schools.

I dont get what you mean. The shooter won in this situation, like they always do. And like every time, police were powerless to save people.

i have banned all the british from entering this thread
£500 fine if u break the law kid

You'll never catch me alive!!!!

OT: Yea I'm going on the support side of there needing more security in schools.

and the dumbasses at my school wonder why we have 10 cops on campus

if you have nothing to hide why are you complaining?
please get a grip on reality and then come back

please get a grip on reality and then come back
I don't see the problem here, you shouldn't be complaining about being watched in PUBLIC where people are already watching you.
i have banned all the british from entering this thread
£500 fine if u break the law kid
I'm British and I really don't care about Americas gun laws, but honestly I don't think people should be allowed to carry huge weapons in public.
I dont get what you mean. The shooter won in this situation, like they always do. And like every time, police were powerless to save people.
Yes, the shooter may have killed the security officers but possibly more people could have died if there weren't police officers in schools, but the fact that most of the people in school shootings use big weapons doesn't help.

i have banned all the british from entering this thread
£500 fine if u break the law kid

alright well I was going to give my condolences and sympathise with you guys because these things keep on happening and it's good to have respect for the dead - but I'm not allowed in :(

is the dispatch thing actually live?
holy stuff

If a Hardcore Gamer Self Deletes after killing many people he automatically won.

These people don't go on killing sprees and expect to not die from it lol.