Author Topic: Lord tony on a news stuffposting spree  (Read 25093 times)

You could probably count the number of times on one hand.

well, while I agree, with how much that Tony stuffposts, it's hard to find a couple minescule examples out of his couple thousand of posts.

Link every time you posted a trusted source and we said it wasn't credible

Alright let me search through 8,000 something posts.

I'll get back to you in a few months.

I don't think what he's doing is that much of a problem honestly, it's clearly a joke.


Jesus almost every thread related to Tony turns into a 10 - 20+ page argument between people who dislike or support Tony

Jesus almost every thread related to Tony turns into a 10 - 20+ page argument between people who dislike or support Tony
More or less. Credit to you for staying out

Alright let me search through 8,000 something posts.

I'll get back to you in a few months.

Jesus almost every thread related to Tony turns into a 10 - 20+ page argument between people who dislike or support Tony
The only reason this occurs is because people feel the need to declare how they disagree with him, he can make a thread where he just wants to have a conversation about something but always, always, someone or multiple people come in and derail the entire thing by just saying how it's a stuffpost or baiting, when in reality he just want's to have a discussion on a certain social/political topic.

but everyone's a critic anyways so, what can ye do.

The only reason this occurs is because people feel the need to declare how they disagree with him, he can make a thread where he just wants to have a conversation about something but always, always, someone or multiple people come in and derail the entire thing by just saying how it's a stuffpost or baiting, when in reality he just want's to have a discussion on a certain social/political topic.

If Tony actually wanted to discuss something, and he wasn't just baiting/stuffposting, he'd provide a source and add meaningful commentary for the subject. Instead, he just waits for someone to go: "source?" Then does the usual: "just use google." This obviously derails the thread - not just Tony, both people involved - but a lot of these issues could be resolved if Tony didn't make a ton of topics without a source.

I have to search but you people can't google?

8,000 posts versus 150k+ possible results. We don't know what article you're using - there's likely many - but you're more likely to have one specific post regarding what the person is looking for.

there already has been a drama for lord tony about just this thing, why make another?

8,000 posts versus 150k+ possible results. We don't know what article you're using - there's likely many - but you're more likely to have one specific post regarding what the person is looking for.

Whenever you google what I'm talking about it's always first page results.

yeah he has a point

Whenever you google what I'm talking about it's always first page results.

Fair's fair.

If you were on the page reading the story, and wanted to share it, then where's the difficulty in copy and pasting the link?
You're just being a lazy cunt.

You spend more time bitching about people asking for a source and telling them to google than it would take you to just post the link when you make the topic.

Or, you know this anyway and just want to annoy people. But that doesn't sound like you, Tony, does it...

I'm okay with the threads themselves, but there's a point where people need to stop.

OT: /support