Author Topic: MattyJ's Challenge  (Read 7328 times)

I think it's time we bring back the 'too stupid for the internet' banning clause.

Sorry I got Kuroneko and Ki mixed up, I thought since Ki was doing revoke-able stuff and Matty was involved with Ki Matty could also be revoked

But Kuro and Ki are two entirely different people

If you don't enjoy my servers, then just leave. A 22 year old man exposing people for small things that a level is broken is worrying. And what's almost even more worrying is that you are playing a game designed for kid and cursing at them. The highest amount of people on my servers was at 34 which suggests people actually enjoy them unlike you, a person who thinks he is important over everyone else. Just because you have a low BL_ID does not make you superior. I feel sorry for anyone you have managed to persuade. Seeing that you managed to reply immediately during the middle of the day where you're from suggests you don't have a job. This is a game, not a job, you do not pay me to go on my servers. I don't earn any money from this so why should I help you in my own free time?
This is literally one of the most arrogant I have ever seen.

This is literally one of the most arrogant things I have ever seen.

Sorry the double post.

OT: /support
Actually, I changed my mind.
I saw this server open, and for some reason I actually thought it was pretty fun, and I guess me and MattyJ got a little along.

ok yea maybe we became friends on steam but that doesnt matter
>calls someone a nub
>is a 200k
who gives a forget about bl ids besides nearly everybody in the bl community
im a 202ker and i don't really give a forget about my id

The funny thing is he says raven is sad for playing a kids game whilst he says he is 17 and his server has a tag that says "+18" on it.

The funny thing is he says raven is sad for playing a kids game whilst he says he is 17 and his server has a tag that says "+18" on it.
he wants hardcore research to be 15+

I am loving triggered.

why does level two have to be a maze

why does every challenge in blockland have to have a loving maze as a level

am i the only one who thinks its the most cookie cutter thing ever? why even a maze? wheres the challenge in aimlessly walking around till you accidentally find the exit? is that actually fun and engaging for some people? i could see it being fun as a past time, but its frustrating as an actual level. and the fact that the walls kill you to the touch doesnt help either. why do they even do that? is it supposed to be challenging? like im already walking around in a confusing maze with no rhyme or reason, now you're gonna limit me to only being able to touch the floor? what if the server lags like it constantly does? you're thrown into the walls when you dont even mean to. its just cheap stuff to claim he made a hard challenge when in reality the entire thing is probably lazy level design with conflicting game mechanics

it wouldnt even be so bad if literally everything you touched didnt kill you. heres a fun idea: how about make people die when its a dead end? yknow, like the name implies??

Mazes are so stupid on challenges. Whenever I'm on a challenge server, I leave as soon as I get to the maze(if there is one). I don't even attempt it because I know it'll be complete bullstuff.

A 22 year old man exposing people for small things that a level is broken is worrying. And what's almost even more worrying is that you are playing a game designed for kid and cursing at them.

It's made for kids, which is why a decent portion of the players are adults and there are several 18+ servers. Not to mention the uncensored forums. Makes complete sense.
Also, a broken level is a big thing, considering that you were unwilling to fix it or teleport people past it, and the players are stuck there being pissed off at you.

This is a game, not a job, you do not pay me to go on my servers. I don't earn any money from this so why should I help you in my own free time?

If you host, you should realize that you need to maintain, administrate, and improve your server(s). Your goal isn't to make money. If it is, you might as well give up now. Instead, your goal as a host is to make people happy and have fun. It seems like you aren't doing either.

He sounds like hes more of a 12 year old than a 17 year old

a game designed for kid
HAH! There are people who AREN't kids who still don't understand events, and yet, without events, there isn't much to do but shoot things.

This is a game, not a job, you do not pay me to go on my servers. I don't earn any money from this so why should I help you in my own free time?
...You're an administrator. It's your responsibility to do this. It's like the church basketball coach going "I volunteered for this, I don't have to teach these lil' kiddos how to throw things at hoops." Don't volunteer (be an admin of a public server) if you're not going to do the job, man. If it's broke, fix it. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Your goal is to make people enjoy playing on the server and if multiple people think it's not working right, make an effort to make it work right. How hard is it to event a brick for an obstacle course? I could understand if it was complex code like a crazy bot script of some sort with all sorts of VCE out the wazoo to make it move at random on a grid or something and you had no idea, but wasn't it just supposed to launch you? That should just be an onplayertouch -> player -> addVelocity. C'mon, man. You can do better than this. I'm not banning you, not saying you should be punished, I'm just saying STEP UP YER GAME WITH THE HELPING OF THE PEOPLES.

Sorry for the doublepost.

He sounds like hes more of a 12 year old than a 17 year old
I bet he made that up just to look mature.