Author Topic: Free Teleport  (Read 4936 times)

Free Teleport

Allows anyone to use F8, F7 (admin orb), /warp and /find without being admin.

Download (1 KB) from

Sounds abusable.
for a freebuild it's what should have been there anyway. notice how it doesn't let people use fetch

Sounds abusable.

It does not work in mini-games. If you don't want people to be able to do this outside of mini-games, don't enable the add-on.

Would it be possible to prevent people teleporting into slayer boundaries?

Would it be possible to prevent people teleporting into slayer boundaries?

Yes, if you explain how I'd access them or link me some documentation.

Code: [Select]
//Checks whether a specific point is within the minigame region.
//@param Point3F position
//@return bool True if in region or region is undefined. False if outside region.
function Slayer_MiniGameSO::isPointInRegion(%this, %position)
%region = %this.region;
%x = getWord(%position, 0);
%y = getWord(%position, 1);
// %z = getWord(%position, 2);
return (%x >= getWord(%region, 0) && %x <= getWord(%region, 3) &&
%y >= getWord(%region, 1) && %y <= getWord(%region, 4));

Although, admins will still need to be able to do this, for like, warping inside the arena and modifying things.

If I ever decide to host a freebuild, this is what I'll be looking at.

This is neat for freebuilds.  Would be nice if players also had different-colored orbs.

This is neat for freebuilds.  Would be nice if players also had different-colored orbs.
Or at least names associated with the orb. I want to know the person that's obnoxiously trying to move the orb on top of my head.

Or at least names associated with the orb. I want to know the person that's obnoxiously trying to move the orb on top of my head.
that's already an add-on but iirc it has a bug of sometimes having names just hover there forever