Author Topic: Post Awkward/Funny love Stories.[Confession Time]  (Read 6401 times)

I remember this one time at school a dude got suspended for getting head during a football game.

They snuck into the school and did it in between some vending machines in the commons, he even posted it on snapchat on the schools WIFI.
Actually there has been a ton of people blowing each other in between vending machines at my school, that's why a few got removed...
Only he got suspended?

every single night I ever spent the night at my ex's house (very often) was when her parents were home, in the room right next to us. They still have never met me and don't know I exist.


>first gf
>we're both extremely horny teenagers with rushing hormones
>we're parked at her grandparents' house iirc
>her grandparents left to go get dinner and left us there
>sitting in the back seat cuddling
>decide that it's time to get to know each others' organs
>we're doing some heavy petting
>she's telling me to look outside periodically to check if they are coming back
>check one time after about 30 mins of mutual procrastination
>they're halfway to the house up the driveway
>fumbling with clothes to get them back on and in proper places
>gf almost passes out getting out to talk to them because most of her blood has rushed to her cunt
>think that they saw nothing and knew nothing
>few days later we're in a call
>she tells me
>they knew
>they knew everything that was going on
>gf's grandparents had intimate thoughts about our intimacy

before you rape me for the black-greenishtext it's the only way that i can properly tell stories without losing anyone's interest
« Last Edit: June 03, 2016, 05:16:20 PM by Daswiruch »

Girl who use to go to my school got pregnant in grade 9

So i see im not the only one to have awkward band bus relations.

Story is long so i'll just sum it up. Awkward bassoon player was cold on our way to DC. Offered to snuggle, midway through she slips her hand under my belt by accident and horny shenanigans proceed.
So like where's the awkward/funny part?

aha what are these lies
Well okay. If it's a new girl, it's fun the entire time. If it's someone you've been with a few time, it's fun but slowly gets more difficult ya know what im sayiung

ok guys here is mine but it's all in a facebook account thats why its an image

yeah i bought a starbound gold copy but it's been four years and i've only got a few pieces of it

this is different
starbound as in me

ok guys here is mine but it's all in a facebook account thats why its an image

[img ][/img]

will this result in a chainban

will this result in a chainban
It's not funny nor original.

my now exbf once blew into my starfish after we finished having love
and thats how i had my first semen queef
