Author Topic: God has abandoned us (Its really hot) V2  (Read 7874 times)

invade arizona

this is like invading Russia in the winter.

you westerns get it easy with your dry climate and no humidity
I honestly can't stand humidity, I'm so glad I live in western Canada. Its like steam in your face all the time.

Also don't go to the middle east if you hate humidity, or you will never go back

call me an idiot but i see nothing wrong with a bit of humidity

call me an idiot but i see nothing wrong with a bit of humidity

a bit is fine but if you're in loving 90 degree weather with 50% humidity it sucks
so glad i moved away from virginia

I had 96% humidity last night :)

call me an idiot but i see nothing wrong with a bit of humidity

I'm talking large amounts, like your face is being blown off with steam kind of humidity.

If the humidity level is like a Phoenix winter, than I'm fine with it.

a bit is fine but if you're in loving 90 degree weather with 50% humidity it sucks
so glad i moved away from virginia

I'm talking large amounts, like your face is being blown off with steam kind of humidity.

If the humidity level is like a Phoenix winter, than I'm fine with it.

as a floridian who's been living there for 14 years it's almost like i dealt with the large amount of humidity along with the degree

and i have to stay back at florida for the rest of the summer too

I had 96% humidity last night :)

But it wasn't halfway to boiling point of water outside

only 82 down here in texas with 75 humidity yall
me rn

note : texas tends to have bipolar af weather where I live
« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 10:08:39 PM by NotBomberguy »

82 °F over here, nothing too much, at least compared to the last few years when we had record breaking temperatures
okay I know I was kidding before and being roostery but lately our air conditioning broke, our living room ceiling fan broke, my room fan broke, and one side of my room is 90% a window


things are looking similar in southern california

I was just at the beach in san diego and it was so nice and now im back at Az and its super hot :(