Author Topic: The 50 Word Story Competition  (Read 1061 times)

beep boop
to compete in this game, you must post the best 50 word story. no longer, no less.
Winner will receive 10$ via steam gift card or PayPal (preferably gift card)
  • only 1 story may be allowed, any revisions and edits after posting will lead in your disqualification.
  • i will only accept entries posted on this topic.
  • there are no limits on what you can write about, but please, don't make it loving disgusting.

'twas a dark and stormy night in danville when phineas decided to eat ferbs brain because there were carrots little did poor ol' phineas know, ferb had terminal 7 brain cancer. this made phineas sick so he tried to cure himself, but brain cancer made him swallow tub of lard

many corners were cut
i tried

The man laid on his deathbed, surrounded by his family. "My time is almost out," he continued, "My life was amazing, but my only regret..." he stopped to cough up blood. "My only regret... was letting the Jews destroy Germany." Adolf Riddler then passed away in Argentina after fleeing Berlin.

shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark " sHaRK " shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark
"Shark?" shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark
"Shark,shark shark shark shark,shark shark shark!"

its beautiful

Once there were two bananas. One banana was named Dave, and one Greg. Greg had a horrible smoking addiction, However he didn't have lungs, so he was fine. One day he lit a cigarette until he realised bananas are not sentient and cannot smoke.  Therefore the whole house burned down.

Jerry stumbled his way up the stairs to his apartment. He'd been drinking at the bar until last call. Jerry knocked his key around the lock until it fit and opened the door. He soon discovered it was not his apartment, but a meat grinder. He was eviscerated near instantly.

I could remember that moment, when I first opened Overwatch. With glistening menus and the pristine notion of a brand new meme, I could feel myself bubbling with joy. One thing struck my eye, though - D. Va. With my richard in hand, I stroked endlessly with extreme vigor and love.

Extremely drunk, Tom stumbled into the elevator. He pressed a "few" more buttons than he meant to, and was stuck on the elevator for so long that he passed out. A day later, he woke up to himself puking. Then, he heard a distinct snap, then fell fifteen stories, dead.

So remember, kids, don't get drunk.

Only 50 words? That's not a lot, I couldn't make a whole story with only 50 words, are you crazy? I mean, other people made stories but they're more like mini paragraphs rather than full stories. I also need an idea for what to write about, anybody got a topic?

holy forget these are some gOoD entries.
competition ends tommorow at 14:00 MST (mountain standard time), don't be late and don't be fake.

holy forget these are some gOoD entries.
competition ends tommorow at 14:00 MST (mountain standard time), don't be late and don't be fake.

Okay! The results are in!
1. TableSalt
(both winners recieve 10$)
1. Drydess
2. Nonnel
3. dr_pepper
PM me on Steam/BLF to recieve your prizes.
edit: if a winner does not respond within one day, a new winner shall be picked
« Last Edit: June 12, 2016, 12:03:15 PM by Metario »

umm but like whats your account and stufffff

a monday monday'd a monday then a 200% monday did monday a brother 200%. The brother then nig'd to brother the already brother'd brother, but that brother was already brother'd so why nig him again? because his plan was to nig the entire brother race, rest in pieces brothers. brothers been nig'd