Author Topic: Grimlock/patton360 - Constantly starting stuff  (Read 4558 times)

April 1st was a lot of fun.
This was relevant how?
OT: /support

A lot of the quotes (or context) seem to be Harvest related. If patton wasn't sucking tony's richard he probably wouldn't be acting this way


I'd also like to add on the fact that Moltenkitten loving follows Tony around just to pester and harass him with unnecessary and provocative posts, it annoys people and then he wonders why people are annoyed because "oh Tony is this giant troll no one can be on his side!"

Both these muhforgetas needa chill.

This was relevant how?
OT: /support
the drama board was filled with outrageous topic titles and then "-Grimlock" at the end of it

this topic is well overdue. that forgeter is so annoying


He appears to dislike me for some reason and he said it, Drydess responding back to him; But I couldn't find the post searching. At least I had a nice walk down memory lane searching for his post.

I've only seen his bad side, but that side is making me doubt he has any other sides.

/support, inb4 he comes into this thread and starts stuff.

Maybe he just needs a loving Patton the back

he is a huge nerd
thats all i have to say

He's probably gonna come in this thread and say it's invalid because Drydess is autistic or something

he needs to get his mouth out of tony's richard and stop stuffting on everything that the harvested people say. it's getting boring.


its very obvious that he loves to instigate arguments in botched attempts to receive attention. Also annoying when he mentions me out of nowhere and tries to start stuff. However, he does tend to expose a lot of moltenkitten/blockchip type autists so i'll hive him cred there

Yeah he really needs to cool it with constantly instigating fights with Blockchip/MoltenKitten/Path. Like we get these users cause problems but you're only making it worse by deliberately antagonizing them in non-relevant threads.


He really needs to take it down a notch.


he's usually pretty normal, but lately he's been after everyone


/support and /nosupport are the most overused stuffposts