Author Topic: [Blogland] Relationship status: Official [The end?]  (Read 15070 times)

So you want a cheater. Brilliant.
Relevant to this post \/
yeah that would definitely be a big factor - she doesnt have a place to go to if he kicks her out, which is very likely the case. she also probably would need time to move her stuff out - he may be an starfish and not let her get her stuff or some other richard move.

im not trying to imply she really wants to stay friends with him. we don't know either XR-7 or her well enough to make that call, but its a possibility. it probably is unlikely the case given what XR-7 has said about the two.

the point is there's more to breaking up than wanting to break up. hell, even if there wasn't ever a relationship, it can still be just as stressful to ""break up"" - my gf has had a ton of trouble with a guy who's just extremely into her despite her saying no multiple times (he's suicidal, she likes him as a friend but nothing else, he's also aware she doesn't like him but still really wishes for a relationship), and some of her friends pressure her about him as well, or blame her for him being interested in her/not heading it off earlier (which is absolutely bullstuff - if he's acting like a richard its on him, not on her)

nah, dog. she is cheating, period, even if there is justification for not breaking up with the dude. one day, she may very well have no place to go if she breaks up with XR
what there is not justification for is cheating. there's no excuse for doing all this with XR. she does not need any of the things she is doing with XR. she is doing them because she wants to do them. when she is bored with XR she may want to do those things with someone else, and this situation makes it clear that she would have no moral issues with doing so
any concerns about him being abusive are misplaced. if she was afraid of him, there is no way whatsoever she would be doing this stuff in front of him

to be honest, many of the things you've mentioned (like when she brought him into the store that day a while ago, and now when she tried to fool around under the blanket when he was there) make it seem like she is intentionally trying to cause drama. that, too, is a bad sign

We've spent several hours over the course of several days talking about stuff relating to us at this point, and she is now at a point where all she has to do is keep saving money at work and she's going to get her own apartment. At that point, she will call the breakup with the one dude official and we will actually be so-called "going steady". We have both agreed that we will not live together, especially after seeing the current situation she's in. If we are to break up, we don't want to be awkwardly stuck living together while the other is looking for a place to stay.

It's all a matter of waiting.

women stress me

and that's why you're gay

Sometimes being gay is better

GoOOD lUCk Xr-7 YUo
can gET tHE girL

GoOOD lUCk Xr-7 YUo
can gET tHE girL

Can you stop leaking your handicapped mouth secretions into other threads?

Can you stop leaking your handicapped mouth secretions into other threads?

This whole things sounds toxic, bad, and frankly weird as hell

Right then so recently it is starting to seem like another girl, who knows both of us and knows that we are in some sort of relationship, is very very obviously hitting on me at work. It was subtle enough at first that it wasn't downright weird af (although I still gave my girl a heads up about it a couple nights ago), but after tonight it seems to be getting out of hand.

She is honestly a "hoe" and would probably sleep with just about anybody that she knows for more than a couple of hours although I've known that for about the duration that I've known her (a little over a year). My girl would talk to her a lot in the days leading up to our first kiss up to about the point of our first time....that*, so this other girl knows about that much about our relationship, but that's the extent. I know for sure they discussed things relating to "how big I am" and "how good I kiss" and stuff like that and she (the "hoe" girl) has continued to bring it up ever since then.

Anywho, things tonight consisted of her constantly trying to hold my attention, asking me to take selfies with her for her snapchat, leaning on me, poking me, laughing really hard at my stupid jokes, and asking really awkward questions. One of those questions was, "How much do you love me?", to which all I could respond with was, "What??" and she dropped it. One time she laid her head down on my shoulder, wrapped her arm around my torso, and sighed while saying, "I have no respect of personal space." I just looked at her and flatly stated, "I do." and she let go.

I haven't let my girl know about anything going on tonight and I don't think I really want to because 1) I don't want to cause more work drama than we already have and 2) I don't want things to be said in the form of rumors and then have people asking why I didn't confront the first girl about it. I don't know. We'll see on this situation.

In other news, last night was the first time that she met my extremely Christian conservative family and they really really like her. Wasn't expecting a turnout that good at all, so it's a relief to have mostly laid to rest that sitting anxiety. That was the first time she ever saw any of my immediate family members in the 16 1/2 months that I've known her.

These hoes aint loyal. Including XR.

This whole things sounds toxic, bad, and frankly weird as hell

These hoes aint loyal. Including XR.
how tf is XR not the loyal one, did you even read? Lololol

how tf is XR not the loyal one, did you even read? Lololol
I read but nvm lol. It just annoyed me how XR was fine with that girl cheating on his bf. XR has no respect toward that relationship. Like forget that, my ex cheated on me so it loving annoys me how people cheat. If he does get her, I hope she cheats on him one day so he knows what that feels like.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2016, 01:05:33 AM by Kevso »

I read but nvm lol. It just annoyed me how XR was fine with that girl cheating on his bf. XR has no respect toward that relationship. Like forget that, my ex cheated on me so it loving annoys me how people cheat. If he does get her, I hope she cheats on him one day so he knows what that feels like.
he wasnt fine - he nudged her to push for a definitive course of action + resolution, but understandably left it up to her to figure out and gave her time to do so. its never good to shame someone into ending a relationship; they have to realize it won't work in the long run for them or else there will always be some feelings of doubt/urge to reconcile the gap created.

whether or not that speaks about her inner character and how willing she is to give up a relationship, i can't tell for sure. but from what I'm hearing it seems like this is something born out of a legitimate, serious friendship, and if both sides dont lose that connection of friendship that they started out with, it won't end remotely as ugly as her previous relationship has. i know for a fact that even if I dont end up with my current gf, we will stay friends for life and end on sad, but amicable terms.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2016, 06:28:04 AM by Conan »