Author Topic: [Blogland] Relationship status: Official [The end?]  (Read 15113 times)

Kind of like your attention span

My attention span is as long as it gets

My attention span is as long as it gets
Dude that's a short snake joke waiting to happen

Had work today so I was with her for 7 hours today and everything seems to be back the way it was a couple weeks ago, but I'm still holding a distance here due to uncertainty of her intentions or thoughts. We're going out together in a couple of hours so I'm probably going to try to kill the filter and enjoy what the night has to offer.

stick it in her pooper and it'll be good

stick it in her pooper and it'll be good


Don't worry. I've been watching Electrk's Blockland Forums Gives Dating Advice on what I should do tonight.

If you never had love with her I'd say bail.

Well I've since been told that my GM at Hardee's has been repeatedly stepping in not known to me until now and talking to the one girl in private suggesting that the two of us start officially dating. This is starting to get stupid real quick.

May as well throw an update out there before I start forgetting things:

I left off after she briefly got together with her boyfriend again last night and within two days they called it off again. I continued to walk on eggshells around her just not being explicably involved, but still joking around and trying to be friends. A few days before my birthday, I blew a radiator hose on my car 30 miles from home, so I had my dad rescue me and arranged for my car to be towed to a shop and repaired. The next day, the one girl was asking if she could drive me home (she's recently been trying to meet my family if at all possible, which i'm extremely uncomfortable with just because my family is very judgmental) but we ended up settling on her driving me out to the shop to go get my car. We got a to-go Taco Bell order and got the car before we both went our separate ways. Lo and behold on Snapchat, I noticed in her story that she had taken a selfie with her ex while she went to a party at his place.

Very recently, the ex boyfriend has been making multiple cameo appearances, just never in person. The two of them are always tagging each other in posts on social media and anytime I've been around her using her phone, text messages frequently pop up from him. However, she posted yesterday about what her dream partner would be in very explicit detail, and strangely enough, it very closely aligns with what I'd look for in a person. When I asked how things were going with her ex, she kinda shifted a bit and said, "As good as things are ever going to be." so I'm going to look at the bright side of that.

May as well just keep trying.

« Last Edit: September 26, 2016, 07:23:26 PM by Doctor Disco »

A month has passed since I last updated this so I guess I'll update it considering that last post.

Some stuff has happened but nothing very exciting. We managed to get each other very sick from being in close contact when she came down with some at-the-time unknown virus. We both ended up fighting an upper respiratory virus, bronchitis, and pneumonia (I myself managed to get food poisoning too) and therefore didn't see each other as much over the course of recovery (we're both still coughing after more than 3 weeks). After she was briefly hospitalized and I ended up in Urgent Care, we got meds to deal with symptoms.

But of course, while we were keeping our distance from each other, she gets back together officially with her ex again. Although disappointed, our separation had me weaned enough from her attention that I wasn't all that butthurt about it. I walked straight backwards into the friendzone and stayed there with little effort at trying to escape it. At the same time though, that yearning for more was still there.

Getting back into the game:

I stopped making conscious effort for the most part to keep the ball rolling between us. Then one day, while we were both working the same shift and goofing around as usual, she offered to let me come with her to her eye doctor appointment. I didn't take it seriously at first due to just being casual, but at the end of our shifts she once again asked if I would come with her. Interested that she had her attention on me, I told her I'd go with her. However, I decided to take more control of the situation and pointed out the fact that she had no license plates. Realizing that driving her car could get us pulled over (plus the fact that riding in the car with her is admittedly scary), I suggested we take my car since I'd just put my legal license plates on my car and there should be no legal issues. It just made sense, you know? Using her phone for GPS and music (she's always my DJ when in my car) to find the eye doctor, we got there over 30 minutes early. She suggested we try to kill time (hahahaha no), so I told her I knew of a Taco Bell very close by (TB is kinda our thing). We went through the drive thru and not only did they not have our usual Mtn Dew Baja Blast freezes, but they only gave us 3 packets of Diablo sauce (her favorite sauce). I look in the bag and give her a look before saying, "You're gonna need more Diablo sauce than that, aren't you"She just laughed shyly and said yeah, so without further thought, I parked my car, went inside, and came back outside with a heaping handful of sauce packets. She was laughing so hard and said I was the sweetest friend ever before giving me credit on Facebook and telling all her other friends. At the eye doctor, the time we spent together was used in taking selfies and laughing at handicapped memes we found online. She then let me choose her eyeglasses, and I just so happened to choose glasses that were outside of her mom's budget (she's on her mom's insurance). Instead of asking me to choose a different pair, she whips out her phone, calls her mom, and convinces her to get the glasses anyway. The whole trip ended up being a pretty good success. I of course took the long way back to her car so we could talk longer.

Reunited under bad circumstances (Spicyness Level: Queso)

About a week ago, I happened upon the scene of a double fatal car accident that ended up in the total destruction of a rare car. As it turned out, one of the fatalities was that of her best friend's brother. Rather concerned because I've known her friend since I was 13, she kept me in the loop on how recovery was going. Then the very next morning, her grandmother passed away suddenly. And about two days after that, her mom started charging her $700/month rent to stay in her own house and then kicked her out when she wouldn't pay it. I lent myself as one her backbones of emotional support even though bad things were happening to me as well (nearly got kicked out of my house permanently due to parent issues). When she found out about my issues after finding me sitting in the break room way before my work shift was supposed to start, I talked over my situation with her and asked how hers was doing. She said she had a temporary place to stay but to stop worrying about her situation and to fix mine. She then pulled me up by the arm to give me a hug, which I didn't find to be unusual. But then, she added a little kiss on the neck. My mood went from hell to several levels beyond Cloud 9. She then returned two hours later with Starbucks for me. That kiss + that caffeine had me going nuts for the rest of the day. I was in literally the best mood I can even remember in recent times. For once in my life, other people were actually telling me to calm down and set a good example because I'm known for being very calm and collected all the time, but instead I was being loud, overly cheerful, and downright crazy. Since that day, she said that if I have further issues with trying to move out on my own, I'm welcome to stay with her when she gets her own apartment next month. Although that's rather conflicting with my life plans, that offer though.

At this current point, we're constantly visiting each other at work regardless on whether or not the other person actually works. We are also texting literally every single night into the wee hours of the morning.

Enough people have been asking about the gap between then and now so i guess I'll fill that in.

Changing my life plans

I dare say she definitely was one of the major influences in changing my plans to move out of state and attend college in Illinois and instead remain in the St. Louis area. After multiple "offers"/"bribes" and constant questioning on a daily basis about my decision on whether or not I'm moving out of state or not, I ended up finding a year plan that would keep me in the area for quite a while longer, much to her excitement. I accepted a management promotion at work (she got one too) and at this point, we are now in training to become associate managers. One of the barriers preventing us from actually being in a relationship crumbled away.


I still had competition going. Although we were getting along nicely, I was still pretty friendzoned. She also had her eye on other "eligible bachelors", who I will call Joe (a dumb good-looking coworker), Jay (my lanky friend), and her boyfriend. The jealousy was getting real for me and it got to the point where I stopped talking to my friend and the coworker because I was irrationally angry at them for having her attention. However, "Joe" was eliminated after he was arrested for killing a heroin dealer. "Jay" ended up just not being receptive to her timid advances on him and respected my run for the money, so we're all cool now. Only one more to go.

Discussion about possible relationship?

One night at around 10:30pm, I got a call from her and answered. She was sobbing and asking if she could talk to me in person, so we met up at the Taco Bell across the street from work. Nosy coworkers getting off work saw our cars and started milling around in our area, to which I shooed them away to talk to her. For a good two hours, we talked about the issue she was dealing with (related to work) and along the lines of the discussion, she confided that she had been giving thought into us actually being in an established relationship, but ended it with uncertainty.

After me prioritizing her feelings enough to drive out late at night on a 25 mile round trip just to talk to her, things seemed to be changing somewhat. We started seeing each other a lot more, on a near daily basis.

What the boyfriend doesn't know doesn't hurt him ;) (Sept 16)

After we went on a trip to walmart, I was invited over as her only guest to her boyfriend's mom's house (where she lives with her boyfriend). Instantly worried about the most ultimate friendzone experience ever of "meet my boyfriend", I accepted anyway and followed her all the way to the house. About ready to turn around and leave when I saw his red Hummer in the driveway, I was extremely hesitant about going anywhere near that house, but I followed her inside anyway.

Conveniently, he was away in Arkansas for we got down to baking......

Cupcakes. Yes, we made cupcakes and they were good cupcakes. In what I never expected would happen, I spent 7 hours with her in her boyfriend's mom's kitchen, met his entire family and a bunch of his friends, and had fun with his girlfriend all without him being there. Couldn't have gone better.

And then things get hot (Sept 20)

After seeing each other literally every day without fail for almost two weeks, I'm stuck busy working at Walgreens with my annoying friend until 10pm. She was supposed to meet me that morning so we could hang out, but turned out that she was working that day so I was salty with her for not telling me. Kinda pissed and then upset because of everything, I spent the day driving until my shift was supposed to start. During my drive though, she calls me on the phone, to which I tether my phone to bluetooth and we talk for over 30 minutes. She tells me she will visit me at walgreens between 7 and 10, to which I agree and hang up and go to work. 7pm rolls around....then 8....8:30....still no sign. I start getting antsy wondering where she could be and finally around 8:45, she walks in the front doors. We talk a bit although I'm busy while my friend makes a fool of himself in front of her repeatedly. After she walks around the store and I barter my cash register to my friend so I can clean the restrooms instead, she follows me to the restrooms while I get my cleaning supplies from the janitor closet (no this is not going where you think). She tells me that she's going to leave but she'll wait up for when I'm off work, before hugging me and leaving a kiss on my neck.

After getting some handicapped customers pushed out the door eleven freaking minutes after closing, I notice her car pass through the parking lot and park next to mine. I walk over and get in the passenger side seat and we sit there talking, playing music, and gossiping for a while, but we're both tired after long days, so we decide to relax. She lies her head on my lap while I recline in my seat when she starts getting friendly. You know, asking if I'm ticklish. Things start getting warmer from there and she begins adding in little kisses, not much different from the little ones she'd given me before, but still. And they were working their way up my neck. Here ensues my first makeout session with her. The first kiss had my mind turn into jelly as I struggled to figure out how to handle the situation and just getting garbled responses, but I kept it going anyway. After it was over, I just sat there like, "Woah...." And then I realized, "I wanna do that again." So we did. Several more times. After being discovered by the cops a bit past 12am, we split and went to our respective homes. I could still feel her the next morning.

Midnight ride to rescue my damsel in distress from a party gone wrong (Sept 24)

Today's leap of faith (Sept 25)

Nothing seemed too unusual to boot the day. I was working 2-10 and she was off work and we texted flirty messages to each other all afternoon before she told me she'd pay me a visit at work today. All seemed normal, until she showed up. Her boyfriend was with her. I hadn't seen the guy in months considering he never ever comes anywhere near Hardee's or visits her at work. My mind went into panic but I kept my cool externally and tried to avoid both of them at all costs. Conveniently, the drive thru got hit by a tons of people wanting food so I was pretty much tied and couldn't talk to them if I wanted to. After maybe 10 minutes, I see the boyfriend walking out of the building and getting in her car to sit with his phone. That left room for me to be a little more friendly. She bought me pop rocks and shared her tabasco jellybeans before popping a pivotal question, asking if it was okay to tell our inanely curious nosy coworkers about us kissing a few nights ago. We awkwardly debate it in front of them only peaking their curiosity and I'm just like, "Yeah just tell them."

Lots of celebrating and jumping up and down ensued. Almost considered telling everyone in the employee roster just to see all the reactions after that. We then openly discussed relationship options in front of everyone, about how much nobody liked her boyfriend, etc. She had to leave not long after, and giving me puppy dog eyes, she asked me for a hug. I walk around the counter to give her one, take a jellybean, and turn around to return to work when she calls me back over to her. I know exactly what she's looking for, and I kiss her right in front of people and on security camera, with her boyfriend literally sitting not 20 yards away in her car.

That's all so far.