Author Topic: :Shinigami:'s TF2 TDM  (Read 586 times)

:Shinigami:;s Team Fortress 2 Team Death Match!


I wil be making a team fortress 2 styled tdm(team death match) it will have most tf2 weapons.
but i will need help with somethings....

I will need some builders to help me out and some nice poeple who know alot about blockland.

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Im wondering how i will make a class system for like all of the classes.
I need help with that.

I don't know which maps i will be making from tf2 i know one will be steel.

Welp hope your enjoy here are the updates!!!

Updates:   (newest to old)
6/10/16 - BL forums post made
- Idea Found
- Map neing looked at on youtube for help and a paper design