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Author Topic: V22  (Read 3825 times)

V22 Suggestions

Now, some of you might be thinking "Hey! This isn't a mod suggestion you idiot!"" Well... This is a idea for something that might be able to revive blockland and make people very happy.

  • Add back the old maps like bedroom, make old v20 maps compatable with V22
That's my list for now, its pretty stuffty too.

Now, about the "add back the old maps like the bedroom, blah blah blah" I not saying it NEEDS to be a permanent thing, but a option when you are starting up your server, including the default slate with the enviorment options, but then the old maps too...

You agree with me? Say so!
« Last Edit: June 11, 2016, 09:10:02 AM by Potatoh »

It would be pretty cool to have that theme addon in by default.  Blockland Glass with RTB-like chat too.

Also, adding the v20 maps back will revive the dead part of the fourm, mapping help and maps.

Maybe Baddy will add a tutorial for making maps.

It would be pretty cool to have that theme addon in by default.  Blockland Glass with RTB-like chat too.

Im asking for it to be default, not a mod.

This has been requested many times, an update with both shadows/shaders and interiors/terrains being available will most likely never occur. The closest thing is Wrapperup's System_StaticMaps Add-On.

Mission Editor isn't broken for me.

I don't know where he said it but I believe Badspot said maps are never coming back

  • Add back the old maps like bedroom, make old v20 maps compatable with V22

Not gonna happen.  And no, I am not just being pessimistic.  Badspot expressly said that the game is more or less a finished product and that any updates to come are most likely going to be bug fixes.

v21 was a huge update that revolutionized how people thought of lighting.  Along with it came a plethora of new builds that utilized the new lighting in very intelligent ways.  Pre-v21 updates, paraphrased from the words of kompressor, were that "interiors and terrain often slowed updates to a snail's pace, and sometimes broke the game" and that "they didn't want to deal with [terrain and interiors]".

It does nothing to post about requesting these things back except spam up the forum and annoy users who have already said multiple times that those kinds of features are forever gone in the way we understand them.

These two features complicate Blockland’s code tremendously. That means we can’t add game features very quickly. They still have bugs in them (after years of work). They are slow, too - bricks are about 90% of their speed and can do a LOT more (explosions, events, in-game editing).

They also look bad:

They looked great in 1999, but it is 2012 now. It’s time to move forward.

We are going to remove interiors and terrain in an upcoming release. Every "map" will be like Slate, ie, with one big ground plane. If you want the bedroom, load The Bedroom build. If you want a city, build one out of bricks. If you want the kitchen, I bet there is a build of that knocking around, too.


  • "I am frightened by change/old bricks looked fine/interiors and terrains look better than bricks." You’re wrong. There are reasons to like the interior/terrain renderers but visual quality is not one of them. If you want to make this argument, post beautiful screenshots that look better than shaderized bricks, NOT essays.
  • "Why don’t you keep everything like it was?" Because Blockland is developed by a small team, it is not possible for us to keep every feature in the engine working 100% AND add cool new features.

Why are people still so loving clingy about maps? They got removed 4 loving years ago. If you want to play with an older version of Blockland (with maps) I can pm you a link, but Badspot will never add maps back into the game.

more hats too
we need more hats
and plumes on pirate hats

we need hats
lots of hats