Author Topic: [NEWS] 50 dead, 53 injured in Orlando, FL gay club shooting  (Read 31133 times)

If your concern lies with the preservation of everyone's human rights, due process, and "humanity" then your primary concern should probably be wiping Islamic ideology from the face of the planet because there's nothing further from it than Middle Eastern culture and Sharia Law. You don't have to kill or shun or imprison all the muslims to do this either. You just simply bar people from bringing toxic and dangerous ideologies into your country, and you vet the offenders who are already in your country. The "moderate muslims" everyone uses as an example of why we shouldn't "generalize" are just examples of semi-successfully assimilated muslims. The first step to reforming Islam is just accepting the fact that there is a loving problem with Islam and stop pretending that criticism of their ideology is "phobic" or a "stigma" or whatever the buzzword is.
like i said (or at least implied), it's much simpler than trying just to rationalize islam. this is demonstrating pretty well how people can balance their values in fundamentally different ways and reach vastly different conclusions. the bottom line for me is that i can't personally justify making broad assumptions, because that conflicts with my own personal interests. i imagine that you and people who feel the same way probably don't particularly care because it's generally useful to be broad when you're more concerned about safety. because it's better to be safe than to be sorry, and if you can eliminate anything that appears to be a risk, and you care enough about the threat at hand, it makes perfect sense that you would want to take any action possible.

it's not useful for me to think this way because it makes me feel more unsafe and uncomfortable. for others i imagine it has an opposite effect. i don't avoid and discourage generalization cus i'm some hippy nerd that just thinks everyone should get along and be happy, i do it because i fear fractured, unbalanced, and unequal societies in my own home more than i fear temporary, volatile political turmoil mainly active across the world that's doomed to end from its start. don't get me wrong, i am absolutely afraid of terrorism, but i believe it to be a transient issue that can be solved conventionally. i don't feel like i need an enemy or an evil or a target, to me it's just a problem that needs a solution. it goes without saying, but again, obviously these are just the best that i can word my own problems, and i don't expect everyone to sympathise. in fact, i'm saying it specifically because i know people don't. i just think that this is ultimately the real source of disagreement, and all the layers on top are secondary. i'm not trying to convince anyone of anything here and i'm not really trying to put up arguments, i'm only laying out my basic inclinations in the broadest way i can for how they apply here
« Last Edit: June 14, 2016, 02:39:27 AM by otto-san »

like i said (or at least implied)

I probably missed it under the mountain of ambiguous filler and high-school tier psychological philosophy

it's generally useful to be broad when you're more concerned about safety.

Yeah that's how immigration policy works.

"Goddamn, I'm about to shoot some people, time to pledge allegiance to CIA just because I'm a psychopath and totally not because I'm a radical extremist!"
... well, since he was on Grinder and had been visiting the club for years it seems like he came to terms with the gay community.

I mean, duh. You don't murder 50 people in cold blood unless you have a mental illness. Anyone who subscribes to Sharia Law, CIA or any kind of orthodox non-westernized Islamic ideology could easily be defined as "mentally ill"
on the topic of Flash Mob being due to mental disorders:

i doubt the atrocities of national socialist germany could be simply equated to the entire country suddenly becoming mentally ill

radical islam, zealot christendom, militant nationalism - they're all simply ideologies that appeal to the primal factor of human social behaviour: "our group is better than theirs". it is truly horrifying what hate and ignorance can motivate.

this is all why i don't think this guy really was CIA. ppl who knew him said he wasn't religious (not radical muslim), but he was practically a regular at this bar (our group is better than theirs does not apply). i think this was a case of psycho rambo.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2016, 08:33:40 AM by Juncoph »

Didn't need guns to take out this many people damn. Blades are a worse way to go imo
Didn't need guns to take out this many people damn. Blades are a worse way to go imo
i'll take my chances with pretty much any knife over pretty much any gun. acting like guns aren't as dangerous as knives is dumb.

That attack was 10 dudes. They killed 30 people.

This attack was one dude. He killed 50 people.

Knives: 3
Guns: 50

but they didn't say that sir zealot

but they didn't say that sir zealot
Blades are a worse way to go imo
It sure sounds as though she's saying "Blades are worse during a shooting".
« Last Edit: June 15, 2016, 05:59:42 PM by McZealot »

It sure sounds as though he's saying "Blades are worse during a shooting".
he's saying guns aren't the problem the people are.

It sure sounds as though he's saying "Blades are worse during a shooting".

She didn't say anything about knives + guns. Literally all she said was that getting cut/stabbed to death sounds like a worse way to go than getting shot. And I'd have to agree. There are so many forgeted up ways you can get cut and lacerated. Bullets tend to go clean into/through your body, and hopefully you get a quick and easy death. Knives have so much potentional to cause ungodly pain, and the wounds can be so much larger than a standard firearm.

The mayor of Orlando is named Buddy Dyer which is a funny coincidence since so many people's buddies just died.

The mayor of Orlando is named Buddy Dyer which is a funny coincidence since so many people's buddies just died.

Sounds like a familiar corpse

Guns are so scary please take them away

he's saying guns aren't the problem the people are.
uhhh... no, I don't think she said that at all.
Didn't need guns to take out this many people damn. Blades are a worse way to go imo

She didn't say anything about knives + guns. Literally all she said was that getting cut/stabbed to death sounds like a worse way to go than getting shot. And I'd have to agree. There are so many forgeted up ways you can get cut and lacerated. Bullets tend to go clean into/through your body, and hopefully you get a quick and easy death. Knives have so much potentional to cause ungodly pain, and the wounds can be so much larger than a standard firearm.
Didn't need guns to take out this many people
sure sounds like "You could kill the same number of people with knives". Which isn't true.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2016, 01:21:42 PM by McZealot »