Author Topic: Toxicology - Constantly making unfunny jokes and stuffposting  (Read 14165 times)

you're loving joking right?

it was maxx, honno, stufflord and some others
My mistake, I just remember looking in the discord and seeing something disgusting.

My mistake, I just remember looking in the discord and seeing something disgusting.
that wasn't them spamming the disgusting image

that wasn't them spamming the disgusting image
I went and looked after it was too late, and it's someone called "cool boy". No idea who leaked the server url, and no idea who cool boy is.

also should be noted that your steam name was "cool boy!" and the name of the user spamming is "cool boy!"
what the forget are you talking about that's not me my steam is in my profile

what the forget are you talking about that's not me my steam is in my profile
It was you because at one time your steam name was "Cool boy!" and coincidentally, the user who spammed was "Cool boy!"

It was you because at one time your steam name was "Cool boy!" and coincidentally, the user who spammed was "Cool boy!"
when you want to sound smart like stufflord

what the forget are you talking about that's not me my steam is in my profile
its also entirely possible just to join the server again under TOR
you just invite yourself
i did it before to get back into some guys discord once

when you want to sound smart like stufflord
atleast hes at some level of intelligence, you're in all honesty just braindead

Honestly? I don't entirely care specifically who spammed the research. What royally pisses me off is that someone had the sheer audacity to not only leak the discord, but storm into fourdiamonds and spam the only text channel with nsfw stuff.

honestly he just occasionally posts dumb memes and he's really harmless in the spectrum of things, really i just dont care.

really i just dont care.
for future reference use the word "mind" instead of "care" because the "don't care don't post" train might hit you in the groin

if you're upset with toxicology then you honestly take this forum way too seriously. I see no logic in being bothered by anything he does.

for future reference use the word "mind" instead of "care" because the "don't care don't post" train might hit you in the groin
ay thanks

if you're upset with toxicology then you honestly take this forum way too seriously. I see no logic in being bothered by anything he does.
yea that's pretty much my opinion. he's not doing anything serious like spamming and usually his posts are that off-topic. he can be annoying but he's not an issue.

noedit; aren't that off-topic

if you're upset with toxicology then you honestly take this forum way too seriously. I see no logic in being bothered by anything he does.
Negative attention seeking is bannable & this forum has rules for a reason. If you consider being upset with one person taking this forum way too seriously then the drama board is not for you.