Author Topic: (Radical) Islam's Incompatibility with Democracy and Western Ideals  (Read 4048 times)

Just as with Christianity in 18th and 19th century Europe, Islam is having a hard time from keeping itself out of all facets of life.  Henceforth, radical Islam is incompatible with the separation of church and state.

As seen in Turkey, democracy is sacrificed for religion. There is no balance between the Islamic faith (which demands control of all aspects of life) and Western ideal. We must wait for free thinking and alternative Islamic sects to emerge from the minds of Muslims around the world. This is similar to how the Christian religion saw reform movements such as the Protestants.

Anyone one else have any input?

I'll agree with this.

Does my mouse count as an input?

religion has no place whatsoever in government. It does not matter what religion it is. Islam, Christianity, Pastafarianism... None of it.

religion has no place whatsoever in government. It does not matter what religion it is. Islam, Christianity, Pastafarianism... None of it.

religion has no place whatsoever in government. It does not matter what religion it is. Islam, Christianity, Pastafarianism... None of it.
I'm a christian and I belive in this. Church and state have to be separated or they will corrupt eachother

religion has no place whatsoever in government. It does not matter what religion it is. Islam, Christianity, Pastafarianism... None of it.
yeeaaahh... thats not how it works....

religion has no place whatsoever in government. It does not matter what religion it is. Islam, Christianity, Pastafarianism... None of it.
religious groups deserve representation (obviously, i don't think that's what you're saying anyway, just figured i'd add it), but yeah, state sponsorship/promotion is a threat to freedom of religion and shouldn't happen in any effective democracy

religion has no place whatsoever in government. It does not matter what religion it is. Islam, Christianity, Pastafarianism... None of it.
But even now many interpretations of Islam demands Islam in government as government.

But you'll be seen as an Islamophobe if you even say that.

But even now many interpretations of Islam demands Islam in government as government.

But you'll be seen as an Islamophobe if you even say that.
nah, democratic values come first. now, if you frame it more as, "muslims suck because islam says this," that's probably when you'd get into muddy waters. the diff is disagreeing with a concept vs. shunning actual people. of course if someone is goin all westboro about it, then they're an starfish and there's no problem with calling them out on it

religious groups deserve representation (obviously, i don't think that's what you're saying anyway, just figured i'd add it)
Of course, let the people practice whatever religion they want, let them make whatever churches or shrines or mosques they want, so long as they do so peacefully, just don't get it involved in the government.

Everyone says that not all Muslims like to blow things up but you don't exactly see them lining the streets protesting against it.

Because everybody that doesn't protest something must be in support of it, right.

Did we really need a second topic? This same argument is going on in the Orlando thread.

Everyone says that not all Muslims like to blow things up but you don't exactly see them lining the streets protesting against it.

« Last Edit: June 14, 2016, 01:46:32 AM by McZealot »

Because everybody that doesn't protest something must be in support of it, right.
I'm pretty sure if I watched a video about people getting their heads chopped off I wouldn't exactly say "Eh whatever who cares nothing too major here"

Also, those people are pretty irrelevant when they're not the ones doing extreme stuff
« Last Edit: June 14, 2016, 01:47:10 AM by Red Spy »