Author Topic: final grades  (Read 1632 times)

History: A
Biology: A
English: B
Economics: B
Algebra II: C

c's and b's

just trying to survive until I can get into uni in a years and half time where i'll actually have to give a stuff

just under the criteria for an A in graphics though

i got a's and b's 4th quarter

i never thought i'd do it

blockguy age reveal: 8th grade

becoming independent

I don't get mines until august and it sucks because suspense kills me

becoming independent
it's like home ec but it's not home ec

I got A's and B's the entire year except my last marking period, got two C's in that. Doesn't matter anyways I got on the honor roll.

only bad finishing grade i got was a 66 in math
i r smart

crying my loving ass, you know you have good grades yet you complain about one A not being an A+ while others struggle with C's and B's.
That is relative. If I want compete against my grade who has 10 people already taking 1> ap class I think I need to worry. At this point I know I'm not making Top 10 because of that but I want to be able to brag to colleges about my academic achievements. Why can't I?

The difference between an A and an A+ in a regular class is a .2 (weighted) gpa difference (4.0 and 4.2). I think I should be able to feel sad that something in reach is not achievable.

At this point I know I'm not making Top 10 because of that but I want to be able to brag to colleges about my academic achievements. Why can't I?
Spoiler alert: To colleges, there is no difference between a 3.9 and a 4.0. Also, colleges do not care about class rank either. It's true that lots of students going to great colleges are at the top of their class, but that's purely correlation.