Author Topic: Moderator  (Read 4135 times)

I made an alternative moderator add-on a bit ago and forgot about it, I didn't like how the current one handled banning people and how it used !commands for some reason.

Mine comes with the following prefs which can be changed at the top of server.cs:

SuperAdminOnly = 1;               Set to 0 to allow admins to set and remove moderators.
MaxBanLength = 1440;            Maximum amount of time in minutes a moderator may ban someone, -1 for no limit
AnnounceAutoModerator = 1;  Should "Player has become Moderator (Auto)" be displayed when they join?
CanViewBanList = 0;              Should moderators be allowed to view the ban list? Still may not unban if set to 1.

The main difference about mine is that moderators are able to use the admin menu to ban and kick players so they can target people without hoping they get the name right in the chat, as well as the ability to ban people for however long they want (up to an amount set by the host, defaulted to a day)

Moderators cannot kick/ban other staff members, and also have the ability to view the ban list but that is off by default.

You can set people to moderator if they are offline with their IDs.

/toggleModerator (BL_ID or name)
/unMod and /setMod also work.


If anyone finds any issues with this please post them as I didn't do extensive testing since it was just me and another Blockland open.

$Pref::Server::Moderator::AnnounceAutoModerator doesn't work because you never actually implemented it. It just always announces it.

In serverCmdBan, if %victim is a name(stated by line 71), then the third and forth statements on line 74 will always be false, and so will line 86.

/listModerators should say none if there are none online.

Other than that, great add-on. There's never been a moderator add-on as good as this one.

could someone make a ign tag for this. With text

$Pref::Server::Moderator::AnnounceAutoModerator doesn't work because you never actually implemented it. It just always announces it.

In serverCmdBan, if %victim is a name(stated by line 71), then the third and forth statements on line 74 will always be false, and so will line 86.

/listModerators should say none if there are none online.
Fixed these things, thanks man.

In serverCmdBan, if %victim is a name(stated by line 71), then the third and forth statements on line 74 will always be false, and so will line 86.
%victim is a player, %target is a BL_ID. Should be good now.

I made an alternative moderator add-on a bit ago and forgot about it, I didn't like how the current one handled banning people and how it used !commands for some reason.

Any pictures to accompany the mod?

Any pictures to accompany the mod?

what pictures would there be...?

what pictures would there be...?
Showing how exactly it works...?

Showing how exactly it works...?
You can use the normal admin menu to kick/ban players. The commands are shown in OP. What else is there to show?

I'm guessing mods can't use server settings, gamemodes and/or environment?

I'm guessing mods can't use server settings, gamemodes and/or environment?