Author Topic: Publicity bans - what a weird thing, huh?  (Read 635 times)

If you think this should be in drama, please read the bold main point first.

Another serious note to admins or whoever: If this really should be in drama, go ahead and move it; I thought I would probably get some flak for making a thread under drama about a specific type of ban where the person banning doesn't matter. I have never posted a drama thread before, as it seems like a waste of time to me to whine about people on the internet. Luckily, this one wasn't exactly drama worthy (I think.)

So I just joined a certain RP server which then immediately changed to a different RP topic (apocalyptic? i think? to a more sci-fi oriented kind). I said that I was happy they changed it because the welcome message made it sound like it was pretty well established and I was gonna have trouble getting into it. I realized I recognized one of the super admins from years ago and was about to say something when I got kicked. I rejoined immediately, asked why I was kicked, and was immediately banned permanently with the reason telling me to make a drama about it "so we can get more publicity".

This was pretty conflicting. I genuinely wanted to play on the server so I just waited and rejoined. Nope, still banned. Then when I started making this thread I went back to see what the specific ban reason was, but they had unbanned me, and I am about to start playing on the server. My forum name is different from my in game name so hopefully they won't know who I am (it won't matter, as you guys won't even know who they are, unless you were there. It's all on you if you choose to say what server it was).

The main point is, do you think this is a stupid thing to do? Ban for publicity, and tell the banned to post a drama? That's really weird and an interesting thing to think about.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2016, 07:01:33 PM by Sgt. Dynamo Jet »

yes, considering you could advertise your server in general discussion in a positive light

yea dude i see people complain in drama about servers and i think HOLY stuff I NEED TO STOP BY TEZUNI'S PRISON ESCAPE *rIGHT NOW*


What he said. If you really want pictures i'll crop it.