

19 (55.9%)
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I can't catch them
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Author Topic: Do you kill every fly that gets in your house?  (Read 1659 times)

I have set up defense turrets, proximity mines, and armed soldiers but I still see one or two, what am I doing wrong
tbh you couldnt hit a fly with a bullet so you might wanna go with close-range combat

tbh you couldnt hit a fly with a bullet so you might wanna go with close-range combat
I'll be sure to equip them with batons from now on

if any kind of insect comes into my house i usually just let them out. i dont like my room being filled up with dead spiders.

yeah they're annoying

I kill every living creature that enters my house.

Whenever I let my dogs outside into the backyard, my cats ALWAYS wait right beside the door for a fly to enter as it is open for the dogs. 98% of the time the cats get it. :>

a loving bug walking into my house is like a gay man walking ass naked into CIA territory

plus i have an electric fly swatter that is so loving sick dude flies, gnats, and mosquitoes get forgeted up when im around i don't play that stuff

I only kill things that are less than one inch long. Anything bigger and I feel bad/disgusted to kill them.

This house fly has been snooping around the bathroom for about a week now, I don't know how it's lived, but I want it dead. It feels weird to change with a bug flying around

I only kill things that are less than one inch long. Anything bigger and I feel bad/disgusted to kill them.
There was a house centipede on my wall today. It was at least two inches long. Would you have felt bad killing that?

Nah. My cat eats em so I don't gotta worry about it

i recently captured a tarantula that crawled into our garage and freed him into the wild. i dont kill any animals or insects that enter our house, with pretty rare exceptions. i think the only time in memory was when we got swarmed with fruitflies after some potatoes rotted when we were on vacation, and i think we set out some sugary soap to catch and drown them all.

the only animals or insects that really scare me or gross me out are ticks and mosquitos and wasps. those animals dont deserve to exist. they are the only actively malicious insects i encounter on a daily basis and i hate them all. i think i'd forgive killing any of those guys.

idk i just think like "how much effort will it be for me to throw this guy outside" vs "how much will this guy live and joy his life outside". with a fly not so much but something like a junebug or a tarantula (which we have a lot of here) it seems like a real waste to hurt them.

I genuinely stop what I'm doing to either kill it or make it fly out a window.

the only animals or insects that really scare me or gross me out are ticks and mosquitos and wasps. those animals dont deserve to exist. they are the only actively malicious insects i encounter on a daily basis and i hate them all. i think i'd forgive killing any of those guys.
they aren't malicious, that's just what they do. especially wasps, which don't even bug you if they don't feel threatened. ticks and mosquitoes, I don't like to do it, but I do kill them. they carry disease that can kill people and people > them. flies too but similarly to you I don't have a big fly problem
moths and ants and things like that I just take outside. usually I leave spiders where they are unless they're one of the, like, two species that can actually hurt people here, and in that case I'll take them outside too

my cat is a master at catching bugs. he'll catch them midair and eat them.

our older cat doesn't do stuff about bugs, but that may be because he's 11 years old and 17 pounds.