Author Topic: Ping is ---  (Read 503 times)

I was able to host earlier, but now my ping is --- and no one can join. I haven't port forwarded I have never needed to. any fixes pls

try rebooting the router
it does that all the loving time to me but my internet is stuff so yea

I was able to host earlier, but now my ping is --- and no one can join. I haven't port forwarded I have never needed to. any fixes pls
then try to port forward, or wait some time maybe its just a temporary problem

then try to port forward, or wait some time maybe its just a temporary problem

Why dad doesnt like me fortforwarding I will restart router

portforwarding is safe as long as you're running safe programs over the port. hosting for blockland/any game is considered safe since the traffic going in will only be for the game; any other connections wouldnt be accepted/data will be ignored afaik

its only unsafe if your computer is infected (the virus may attempt to use the port to communicate and accept commands from outside) or if you let programs with questionable safety communicate over the port.

then again i don't know too much about this, but that's the gist as far as i know. its kinda like opening up a border crossing checkpoint in your router to let internet traffic in; your computer's safety is only as good as your management/control of the checkpoint

Based on this information:
Code: [Select]
Line 277:   Binding server port to default IP
Line 278:   UDP initialized on port 57718
Line 279:   Starting client steam authentication...
Line 280:   Engine initialized...
Line 281:   Received stats and achievements from Steam
Code: [Select]
Line 397:   Starting Internet Server
Line 398:   Binding server port to default IP
Line 399:   UDP initialized on port 28000

It looks that by default, blockland is starting to run on port 57718, but it also wants to run on port 28000.
Here are things you can do to fix it:
Solution: 1. Port Forward. Summary:
Open a Web browser, type your Default Gateway number into the address bar, and press Enter. 2. Enter your username and password to access your router's interface. The default username and password should be listed in your router's documentation, on a sticker on the side of your router, or on the Port Forward website.

Solution: 2. Manually change the port to which blockland will run at, to the port that your exe tries to use:
Since it looks like your dedicated server is trying to use port 57718, what you will want to do, is:
1. Make sure that your firewall is open to both ports 28000 and port 57718.
2. Open your blockland server
3. Put this in your server console:
Code: [Select]
$Pref::Server::Port = "Your Port"; Or in your case:
Code: [Select]
$Pref::Server::Port = "57718";4. Put this in your console, to correctly close the server and save the pref: (If we do not do this command, the server will not close correctly and potentially not save the pref)
5. reopen the server and hope that it worked.
Code: [Select]
Solution: 3. Wait it out. If worst comes to worst, and none of the things here help you, you can always try and wait it out. I've had similar problems on my server, and waiting it out usually works.. I know it's a bs solution, but it will (probably) work after time. Idk why, don't ask me.

If you can't port forward you're stuck with --- ping until you get lucky with UPnP