Author Topic: NintenBoy: Literally the Dead Sea on 2 Legs  (Read 6619 times)


This chatlog is all you need to know.
If you're lazy and don't want to read it, I'll transcribe.
Some information you need to know, first, to understand the RP. I was roleplaying as a Glaceon (technically a cat), and Clock was roleplaying as a trainer. ON WITH THE stuff.

Miralis: bored af so i saw this and said, why the forget not
NintenBoy connected.
Clockworks: -He then uses each hand to rub each of Nix's Front paws lightly-
NintenBoy: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
Starlow: what.
Clockworks: Hm?
Starlow: if you came for pokeresearch, go to loving deviantart (This was directed to someone else)
Starlow: damn
Clockworks: Who're you directing that at? (Directed to NintenBoy)
NintenBoy: uh wat
Miralis: owch
NintenBoy spawned.
Miralis: 17 long ass files, are these music?
Starlow: EARLIER: download more addons
Starlow: NOW: delete some addons
Starlow: dafuq do you people want
Miralis: brb lemme change some files
Miralis has left
Miralis connected
NintenBoy: is starlow salty today or something
Miralis: k, should be better
Clockworks: -He continues to gently rub Nix's Front paws-
Starlow: First of all, 5 (the "cutegasm counter", counts how many times I went DAWWW irl)
Starlow: no i'm not salty
Miralis: yup, no files
Starlow: that's drak's job
NintenBoy: cyka blyat
Nathead connected
NintenBoy: starlow is cis scum
NintenBoy: confirme
Miralis: holy stuff, nice map (Aww thanks!)
Sr. Squid connected
Sr. Squid: Back
NintenBoy: "Rubbing one's paws" = petting? yeah, ok. ok.
Sr. Squid has become Admin
Nathead has left
NintenBoy has become Admin
Nathead connected
Starlow: nin, atleast i'm not the one jacking off to this
NintenBoy: jesus starlow stop downloading cum inflation (wat da fuq)
Clockworks left
Nat spawned
Clockworks connected
Clockworks: Hey ninten,Did you come to Rp or to richard fight everyone?
Ninten: excuse me
Ninten: I joined to RP, but then I joined during a loving petting rape sequence (BECAUSE PETTING IS THE SAME AS FELLATIO, KIDS! REMEMBER DAT.)
Miralis left
Nat: Rape sequence?
Clock: Yes,Because rubbing an animals paws is rape
Clock: Yeah,Sure
Star: i guess i rape my dog every night by your logic
Clock spawned
Squid left
Clock: I guess Beastiality is a Great and normal Thing for everyone By your logic Ninten
Miralis connected
Miralis: i crashed, twice
Squid connected
Clock: Petting = Rape
Squid: im sick of bls bullstuff
Squid left
Clock: By Nintens logic
Nat left
Nat connected
Nat: ho
Nat: oh
Ninten: ugh starlow get an actual loving router
Ninten: ANYWAY
Clock left
Star: rip in ripple
Clock connected
Ninten: I joined to RP, yes, but I'm joining RP in the middle of a "petting session"
Squid spawned
Miralis: so i'm not the only one timing out
Clock: There we go
Squid: loving bl was freezing on me
Star: ninten
Star: i'm being serious here
Star: if you had a dog
Nat: I just freeze and can't type anything
Clock: And WHATS wrong with petting Nin?
Ninten: guess i'm not rping...
Star: peta would be loving pissed off at you
Star: the aspca will be up your ass
Ninten: OH.
Miralis: same here
Miralis: i freeze but the chat continues
Star: and that dog would want to kill you
Ninten: So rubbing paws = petting?
Star: technically, yes
Clock: Well,Its kinda your fault for flaunting your richard where you shouldn't
Ninten: Sorry i got so salty. But jesus, is it really loving neccessiary?
Ninten: No. It's not.

And then the steam messages. Lemme tell you, it's like someone throwing a cup of saltwater at my face.

Nin: so are you proud of yourself? You forgeted with a kid with autism, adhd, and worse; easily mistakes things. are you proud of yourself?
Nin: i hope your loving proud. I did nothing wrong here, I made a mistake and I get thrown stuff at me for it.
Nin: Welp, I'm removing you now. buh-bye.
Nin: so, you have one last chance to apoligise.
BurgerPants (me): dafuq did i even do
Nin: ""You forgeted with a kid"
Nin: You caused an argument, you loving dumbstuff.
(OH. So I started it. If anything, Clock started it with the petting, but that's doing nothing wrong, so technically, Nin started it.)
Burger: fine sorry
Nin: yeah no
forget you
i'm sick of your stuff
(That's like giving someone a cookie, then throwing it in a toilet when they try and grab it)
Nin: I've loving had it
Nin: You're being removed until I FEEL your actually nice to me.
Nin: GOOD. loving. RIDDANCE.

And then he harrassed my friend, Agent Drakon, when he called him salty. Ohh boy. Since Drak didn't say anything through this giant pile of salt, I won't add the names. Here we go.

Nin: Like you?
I apologised anyway (he never apologized)
so you can go forget yourself
are you salty because i called starlow out for being wierd with the petting stuff
then again your no better then i am because you do it
so you have no room to talk
TL;DR eat stuff
friend (omg it's dr. andonutsack)
Go ahead, make a comeback. Make my loving day.
; )
yeah, you have no ammo. get outta here with your "Ninten is SALTY ayigeisdgfiearugauagiyugaiug"
c'mon, I didn't even try and I destroyed you with words. What're you gonna do, tattle on me to Starlow? (yep)
"That Guy Sebi: if the body is 78% water
That Guy Sebi: how is he (drakon) 100% salt
starlow's the one that's salty (you gotta be loving joking)
not me
i called him out for the petting stuff
and now he's all defensive and stuff

... my eyes sting there's so much salt

can we get a tldr?

can we get a tldr?

please leave

/nosupport, this just seems like some weird special interest rp that ninten joined, people got weird and ninten acted back

I was roleplaying as a Glaceon (technically a cat), and Clock was roleplaying as a trainer. ON WITH THE stuff.
stopped reading just about here

be honest did he roosterblock you

this just seems like some weird special interest rp that ninten joined, people got weird and ninten acted back

please leave
what the forget is wrong with you? I asked a regular ass question

what the forget is wrong with you? I asked a regular ass question
what's the point of tl;dr in drama
it's just a vague "this is what happened" so people can just post some generic "wow what an ass /support" message

idk why you'd care about the drama if you don't want to look at the evidence

damn you both are just really salty

Both of you acted weird but Ninten was acting lime a salty bitch so /support

/nosupport, this just seems like some weird special interest rp that ninten joined, people got weird and ninten acted back
That's exactly what happened.
I used to be friends with starlow/nix, and he really acted like he was gay for pokemon or breadwinners or something
He'd always send us research without us asking for it, and we'd always react negatively towards it
but he just kept on going. So the problem here is that I was tired of starlow/nix's petting pokemon special interest
and so I called him out on it, and thus this stupidly made drama happened.

To make a long story short, no, I did nothing to deserve this, and even apologized! but of course he refused.

gay for pokemon or breadwinners
Him having an obsession with breadwinners was a joke about the low quality of the show.

03:34 PM - [PD] NintenBoy: oh boy
03:35 PM - [PD] NintenBoy: time to explain myself
03:35 PM - [PD] NintenBoy: It's going to be so damn easy
03:42 PM - [PD] NintenBoy: gg was very easy because barely any proof
*giant chatlog*

-Agent Drakon

Yeeeeaaah I take my support back

Him having an obsession with breadwinners was a joke about the low quality of the show.

03:34 PM - [PD] NintenBoy: oh boy
03:35 PM - [PD] NintenBoy: time to explain myself
03:35 PM - [PD] NintenBoy: It's going to be so damn easy
03:42 PM - [PD] NintenBoy: gg was very easy because barely any proof
*giant chatlog*

-Agent Drakon
Drakon, you're not helping the situation. You were salty too.
"Guess what? Ninten is SALT!"
Does that ring a bell to you?