Author Topic: The Chronology of the Blockland Forums  (Read 301474 times)

Bigus what is that avatar?

also may end up being newsworthy black and white thinks she's me.

so if something doesn't get reported then it doesn't get moderated - and people don't seem to report general richardery.
I'm probably one of the few who does and has always reported "general richardery", and i admit that while my judgement in the past has been a little skewed or biased, i have made what i (and sometimes others) have felt were genuinely legitimate reports against any of the millions of problem users or other general trolls of the week that infested these forums throughout it's lifespan, and yet it seems like only less than half of my reports ever did anything

Even if the post itself wasn't bannable (at least, according to the forum rules), especially since the 'Nigerian Cunts' era, i would report posts in which the user was being actually being a richard (read: blatant trolling, harassing, spamming), or was known for being a richard, and nothing would ever happen

So as someone who DOES report posts, and someone who HAS reported the kind of behaviors that would responsible for the downward spiral of these forums, i can stand as a testament against this statement

People being sad that this game and it's forum are practically dead by this point, meanwhile i was the only one who was really trying to make an effort to prevent things from going this way by reporting and getting others to report those who were actually causing problems in this community

The game getting less and less frequent updates was one thing, but the so called "toxic community", as i've heard from friends, acquaintances, and strangers across the internet, is what really killed this game, because no one wanted to deal with that, no one wanted to associate with that, so they left, and i saw this outcome A DECADE AGO

« Last Edit: May 23, 2022, 10:10:58 PM by Masterlegodude »

Also, shoutout to everyone who told me that reporting and bringing attention to those problematic users was pointless, that i was just making myself look stupid because i was "giving the trolls what they wanted", and to just ignore them, that they'd eventually go away

Guess what, they didn't, just like i thought they would, and probably even said that they would, even long after i stopped making threads or calling them out, and now look where we are

I was right all along and justified in my actions

Eat my ass
« Last Edit: May 23, 2022, 10:10:53 PM by Masterlegodude »

i've reported a few people before, though i don't remember if any of them led to anything.

i'll always think that a big issue with the community was the alt culture, aka, buying your way back in after a ban. sure you could report someone, and they may be banned, but if they immediately buy a new account and continue like nothing happened, what was the point? sure, it was good for badspot, since he was making money off it, but in the end it made bans feel like a paywall as a punishment for toxicity, rather than a way to actually remove problem users from the community. like, remember that there have been numerous users on this forum who have gone through literally 5+ accounts (you know who i'm talking about)

that being said since you cant make accounts anymore then i suppose we're in a new age of peace and prosperity (for now)
yes i am aware i am on an alt please don't make fun of me

i'll always think that a big issue with the community was the alt culture, aka, buying your way back in after a ban. sure you could report someone, and they may be banned, but if they immediately buy a new account and continue like nothing happened, what was the point? sure, it was good for badspot, since he was making money off it, but in the end it made bans feel like a paywall as a punishment for toxicity, rather than a way to actually remove problem users from the community.
This was definitely a big problem, there was no surefire way of getting rid of someone 100%, but realistically, what could you do about that? IP bans could easily be evaded, especially nowadays, and people would always find ways to buy or get more alts

I guess with the whole Steam account linking thing, their Steam account could have been restricted somehow, but then that'd just drive them to make Steam alts then

The only thing i could think of was just having more active moderation, but that never happened, except for when Ephialtes was a moderator, but that didn't last long (and he was also kind of a really big jerk... :panda:)

I'm not gonna lie, since the whole "no new account" thing, I've reported like two or three people and it resulted in a ban. I don't feel bad.

yeah it turned the blf into a survival game
neat though

You know I've always been somewhat of a Badspot apologist, mainly because there are grown adults out there who like to blame their stuffty personalities on Daddy Badspot not protecting them from childhood trauma back in the heyday of Blockland, and I find that insufferable. (mostly I'm talking about that one podcast where a certain fan favorite old blocklander said that school shooting happened specifically because Badspot was a mediocre forum moderator).

People definitely have unrealistic expectations for a guy who never wanted this job in the first place. But I think the biggest thing that truly forgeted this game over was Badspot deciding he was ok with people he believed deserved to be perma banned coming back as long as they gave him 20 dollars. The people who weren't willing to pay weren't the real problem people, it was the people who were psycho enough to keep buying new copies over and over again that tanked the community and gave it it's reputation. Badspot sold us out at a rate of $20 per starfish and here we are.

You know I've always been somewhat of a Badspot apologist, mainly because there are grown adults out there who like to blame their stuffty personalities on Daddy Badspot not protecting them from childhood trauma back in the heyday of Blockland, and I find that insufferable. (mostly I'm talking about that one podcast where a certain fan favorite old blocklander said that school shooting happened specifically because Badspot was a mediocre forum moderator).

People definitely have unrealistic expectations for a guy who never wanted this job in the first place. But I think the biggest thing that truly forgeted this game over was Badspot deciding he was ok with people he believed deserved to be perma banned coming back as long as they gave him 20 dollars. The people who weren't willing to pay weren't the real problem people, it was the people who were psycho enough to keep buying new copies over and over again that tanked the community and gave it it's reputation. Badspot sold us out at a rate of $20 per starfish and here we are.
First of all for sure the shooting is in no way the admins faults, dude could have gone on any other websites dedicated to those thoughts, which he did. He was actively seeking out communities with hateful content far worse than BLF. (Just being clear, I'm agreeing with you)

As for selling accounts... How would you fix it? I've thought about it a fair bit and I really can't think of anything but adding more mods. Which is an absolute no IMO.

The flame burned too bright. Although sad locking the website was the best choice. we get a life support drip of the BLF we love rather than an updated stuff hole with an exhausted admin and 100 other mods who don't understand what the community feel was.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2022, 02:15:35 PM by Soukuw »

Guys stop your logical and accurate breakdowns of our breakdown is making me sad I'm only like 15... shoot no that was like a decade ago :|

ok carry on I guess.

People being sad that this game and it's forum are practically dead by this point, meanwhile i was the only one who was really trying to make an effort to prevent things from going this way by reporting and getting others to report those who were actually causing problems in this community

The game getting less and less frequent updates was one thing, but the so called "toxic community", as i've heard from friends, acquaintances, and strangers across the internet, is what really killed this game, because no one wanted to deal with that, no one wanted to associate with that, so they left, and i saw this outcome A DECADE AGO

idk about this man, this forum was alive because of the toxicity, drama, etc. it was more entertaining that way. i feel like it died because a lot of those folks have left or became inactive and now theres not much stuff going on here.

dont get me wrong the toxic community is a problem in itself, but there's no doubt it contributed heavily to the activity here. people lived for stuff like never-ending drama posts, constant stuffposting, watching banned accounts keep coming back, etc. it might have drove some people away, but it kept a lot of others active as well.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2022, 02:17:45 PM by HerpaDerp »

Also, shoutout to everyone who told me that reporting and bringing attention to those problematic users was pointless, that i was just making myself look stupid because i was "giving the trolls what they wanted", and to just ignore them, that they'd eventually go away

Guess what, they didn't, just like i thought they would, and probably even said that they would, even long after i stopped making threads or calling them out, and now look where we are

I was right all along and justified in my actions

Eat my ass
how are you gonna richardride yourself this hard

idk about this man, this forum was alive because of the toxicity, drama, etc. it was more entertaining that way.
If you thought a forum being infested with parasites was "entertaining", then you were part of the problem

None of that was good activity, it was activity people could have lived without
« Last Edit: May 29, 2022, 06:15:37 PM by Masterlegodude »

If you thought a forum being infested with parasites was "entertaining", then you were part of the problem

None of that was good activity, it was activity people could have lived without
There is a culture people view as toxic and it was very much at work on this forum. People joke about this place being like 4chan but in reality both 4chan, BLF and FP are somethingawful copycats. The reason this forum was popular was because it allowed another group of people to experience that culture without diving head first into 4chan or a paid website like SA.

I'm too young to really know what I'm talking about but I'm pretty sure I'm not far off on this opinion. It's toxic, nobody ever wants new users and these forums always end up more and more locked down until it gets weird enough people are willing to pay money to post. It's happened on all of these forums.