Author Topic: Black Lives Matter hi-jacks orlando shooting morning ceremony.  (Read 50362 times)

So I take it you're a black guy living in poverty, with an excellent understanding of American History, then?
It doesn't take being a surgeon to tell when someone can't do an operation.

My sympathies for your potential illness, but this brown townogy is terrible. If you are physically handicapped, you are disadvantaged. If you are not physically handicapped, you are not disadvantaged.
I was trying to deconstruct (my understanding of) Jitank's argument by showing how it doesn't hold up when you change some of the facts a little bit. The fact that he didn't even present an argument back seems to make it clear my point was solid.

What? No, you really disrespected me. I didn't disrespect you.
Go back and read the line again, you cunt. It's very obvious I was trying to make a joke to goad you on, because I didn't present the information as a solid fact and it is completely contradictory to everything else I said in the thread.

The fact that you fell for it means that you're a sensitive, weak child who shouldn't be anywhere near an actual debate because you're going to take every little off-comment literally.

So I take it you're a black guy living in poverty, with an excellent understanding of American History, then?
Here's the thing about that first point- I have never said anything that requires an understanding of what it's like to be black. It is a fact of social demographics that black people are disproportionately poor, and it's a fact of sociology that poverty pervades through multiple generations.

You are the one claiming that the problems in black society are the result of a victim complex, which is a claim that can only be substantiated by someone who has actually experienced what it is like to be black. In other words, my argument doesn't require being black and impoverished, while yours does.

On the second point, yes I'm pretty good at American history.

do we have a problem
Yes we do sir step away from the vehicle

On the second point, yes I'm pretty good at American history.
Then what year was America founded -.-
« Last Edit: June 29, 2016, 01:47:44 AM by Red Spy »

Yes we do sir step away from the vehicle
what crimes did i commit um none????

I was trying to deconstruct (my understanding of) Jitank's argument by showing how it doesn't hold up when you change some of the facts a little bit. The fact that he didn't even present an argument back seems to make it clear my point was solid.
Go back and read the line again, you cunt. It's very obvious I was trying to make a joke to goad you on, because I didn't present the information as a solid fact and it is completely contradictory to everything else I said in the thread.

The fact that you fell for it means that you're a sensitive, weak child who shouldn't be anywhere near an actual debate because you're going to take every little off-comment literally.
Why are you caling me a cunt. Still yet to have call you anything negative.

Why are you caling me a cunt.
I mean, he's Australian, so it translates roughly to 'friend' or 'buddy'.

Why are you caling me a cunt. Still yet to have call you anything negative.
then why don't you go ahead and do it

do we have a problem
Yeah a bit. It's like all you do on here is instigate and stuffpost. Take a break.

do we have a problem

Nah, it's not like anyone expects anything else from you

So I take it you're a black guy living in poverty, with an excellent understanding of American History, then?

Just how exactly well is your grasp on american history?

Why are you caling me a cunt. Still yet to have call you anything negative.
I'm sorry, are you oppressing my culture? I'm Australian, you see. It's extremely offensive to me when people try to censor my loose mouth.

Just how exactly well is your grasp on american history?
If I say I'm not a historian are you going to sprint off while saying I'm a moron?

I mean, he's Australian, so it translates roughly to 'friend' or 'buddy'.
Not so much when he says "you cunt", followed by the comments about being a weak child. The word is used both endearingly and as an insult. Unless I'm mistaken, McJob was calling Jitank a cunt in a negative way.

Then what year was America founded -.-
That's not what 'being good' at US history means. Understanding history means understanding how individual historical events play into long term historical trends. In other words, recognizing the fact that a long-standing history of poverty and government-enforced segregation among a certain group of people is going to have reverberating effects that last longer than just a couple of generations.

If I'm taking the bait here and you're just trying to troll, then tell me right now so that I don't have to waste more time trying.

Not so much when he says "you cunt", followed by the comments about being a weak child. The word is used both endearingly and as an insult. Unless I'm mistaken, McJob was calling Jitank a cunt in a negative way.
Yeah, you're probably right. I just find it funny how the definitions of 'cunt' and 'mate' are kind of reversed in Australia.