Author Topic: Black Lives Matter hi-jacks orlando shooting morning ceremony.  (Read 47297 times)

yes it is
well if you think you got it hard because of something that happened 200 years before you were born then you arent gonna get very far

The earliest racism in the United States dates back to a practice in the 17th century where rich white landowners encouraged discrimination against blacks to allow lower-class whites a form of superiority that would make them less likely join forces with other racial groups and revolt against the rich. Historians refer to it as the racial bribe, and it predated slavery by several decades.
It wasn't quite that straightforward. Reconstruction temporarily improved racial relations before it was dissolved and all the Black Codes and Jim Crow era laws started to be passed. Not all white people were tribal after the end of slavery, but the government (especially Southern state governments) sure was.
I don't know what Jitank is trying to say, but the prison system is hugely responsible for why black people aren't escaping poverty as quickly as they could be. The War on Drugs of the 80s saw a disproportionate amount of minorities sent to prison for disproportionately long sentences over drugs less potent than the ones used by rich white people. When they come out, they're labeled felons and can't get jobs, which usually results in them becoming career criminals that end up back in jail.

If you want an extremely telling example of why this is racially motivated, note this: at the height of Reagan's War on Drugs, possession of 1 gram of crack cocaine resulted in the same punishment as possession of 100 grams of regular cocaine, the only difference being that one is predominantly used by poor minority groups and the other by whites. As of 2010, the punishment is only 1:18, but that's not a whole lot better.
well if you think you got it hard because of something that happened 200 years before you were born then you arent gonna get very far
why dont you read everyones comments before inserting your opinion? You should know everyone is affected by history in one way or another. EDIT: Seveth Sandwich makes some very valid points.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2016, 03:47:09 AM by JitankIsFag »

why dont you read everyones comments before inserting your opinion? You should know everyone is affected by history in one way or another.

but not as drastically as you initially let on
also if that's the case then you can't use 'slavery affects me today' as an argument

but not as drastically as you initially let on
also if that's the case then you can't use 'slavery affects me today' as an argument
You are correct. Correction: Slavery has a negative effect on me and people of color today.

You are correct. Correction: Slavery has a negative effect on me and people of color today.
that's just a lengthened version of 'slavery affects me today'

also bruh don't say 'people of color' it's the same as 'coloreds' or 'colored people'
it creates an us vs. them mentality in that it's white people vs every other race

ALSOX2COMBO why do you use other people's words as your own argument?
« Last Edit: June 29, 2016, 03:56:20 AM by Daswiruch »

You should know everyone is affected by history.
I guess the idea of people being able to make choices and work hard or that times change and people progress is beyond you?

Slavery has a negative effect on me and people of color today.
Adding a couple words doesn't change the sentiment. You're only going to let slavery "affect you" if you put yourself in that position. Last I checked, a black man became the President of the United States and there's more than a few black people who are outright massive successes in big business. You think they stooped over and said, "Oh woe is me slavery means I'll never be successful!"

I guess the idea of people being able to make choices and work hard or that times change and people progress is beyond you?
Adding a couple words doesn't change the sentiment. You're only going to let slavery "affect you" if you put yourself in that position. Last I checked, a black man became the President of the United States and there's more than a few black people who are outright massive successes in big business. You think they stooped over and said, "Oh woe is me slavery means I'll never be successful!"
Yes, a black man became president but yet theres still alot of racial descrimination. And no, its going to effect me no matter what i do. Doesnt mean i cant live a happy and successful life, it just means its gonna be more difficult than it should be. Also, i dont have a "oh woe its me" attitude.

Yes, a black man became president but yet theres still alot of racial descrimination.
Multiple black males and females have become successful at what they want to do, and these people seem to be able to deal with "discrimination" as if it was nothing. Have you considered that sitting around, whining about the problems doesn't actually solve anything?

And no, its going to effect me no matter what i do.
This is the exact kind of attitude that allows it, because now you're going to outright look for the discrimination instead of letting it bounce off you as if it were nothing.

I've copped heaps of flack in real life for being short, nerdy, stupid and so on. Do I let that crap keep me down? Hell loving no. Apparently you want to just soak it up like a sponge and release it at will, though.

Doesnt mean i cant live a happy and successful life, it just means its gonna be more difficult than it should be.
Prove to me that there's no black people in America who face no discrimination whatsoever. Show me that every single person in your race is treated untowardly.

Hell, even explain the logic behind "happy/successful life" being difficult? That doesn't make sense; if you're happy and successful, there shouldn't be anything difficult about it.

Also, i dont have a "oh woe its me" attitude.
Doesnt mean i cant live a happy and successful life, it just means its gonna be more difficult than it should be.
And no, its going to effect me no matter what i do.

Multiple black males and females have become successful at what they want to do, and these people seem to be able to deal with "discrimination" as if it was nothing. Have you considered that sitting around, whining about the problems doesn't actually solve anything?
This is the exact kind of attitude that allows it, because now you're going to outright look for the discrimination instead of letting it bounce off you as if it were nothing.

I've copped heaps of flack in real life for being short, nerdy, stupid and so on. Do I let that crap keep me down? Hell loving no. Apparently you want to just soak it up like a sponge and release it at will, though.
Prove to me that there's no black people in America who face no discrimination whatsoever. Show me that every single person in your race is treated untowardly.

Hell, even explain the logic behind "happy/successful life" being difficult? That doesn't make sense; if you're happy and successful, there shouldn't be anything difficult about it.

You have alot to learn about real life if you think being happy and successful is an effortless task for anyone. The black people you refer to as successful all share stories about how theyve had to work hard to achieve the same sucess. Example 1, Beyonce, just watch her new album lemonade. Just because a few people can overcome the struggle doesnt mean its easy for everyone. If i had aids, i cannot say "oh this wont effect me" because the reality of the situation is that it does. Still doesnt mean i cant live a happy/sucessful life. It just be harder.

i proudly decided to stay out of this argument and opt for a continued defense of the islamic faith

You have alot to learn about real life if you think being happy and successful is an effortless task for anyone. The black people you refer to as successful all share stories about how theyve had to work hard to achieve the same sucess. Example 1, Beyonce, just watch her new album lemonade. Just because a few people can overcome the struggle doesnt mean its easy for everyone. If i had aids, i cannot say "oh this wont effect me" because the reality of the situation is that it does. Still doesnt mean i cant live a happy/sucessful life. It just be harder.
are you seriously saying its harder for black people to be successful than white people?

You have alot to learn about real life if you think being happy and successful is an effortless task for anyone.
No, what I said (based off what you said) was that people who are happy and successful then don't usually run into difficulty because they're happy and successful, barring circumstances beyond their control (such as diseases or disasters) or things they do that to themselves (such as having an affair or drug abuse).

The black people you refer to as successful all share stories about how theyve had to work hard to achieve the same sucess.
What, do you think white people just become successful by being born?

Maybe you should look up this little known artist called "Eminem", or take a gander into the history of Jim Carrey. There's plenty of people of ALL RACES that have overcome great adversity to make great success.

Just because a few people can overcome the struggle doesnt mean its easy for everyone.
That is, by the nature of the word "struggle", what it means; it's difficult to overcome.

If i had aids, i cannot say "oh this wont effect me" because the reality of the situation is that it does.
AIDS is a disease with real physical and psychological affects that quite literally prevent you from doing the same things everybody else can. The colour of your skin by itself does not physically prevent you from doing anything; its the factors surrounding you and your genetic makeup.

The fact that you want to compare your situation to those with AIDS is quite shocking.

You are correct. Correction: Slavery has a negative effect on me and people of color today.


Without slavery you would be in Africa right now getting aids, hiding in fear of lions and dealing with your corrupt government.

So don't tell me slavery has negatively impacted you today.

No, what I said (based off what you said) was that people who are happy and successful then don't usually run into difficulty because they're happy and successful, barring circumstances beyond their control (such as diseases or disasters) or things they do that to themselves (such as having an affair or drug abuse).
What, do you think white people just become successful by being born?

Maybe you should look up this little known artist called "Eminem", or take a gander into the history of Jim Carrey. There's plenty of people of ALL RACES that have overcome great adversity to make great success.
That is, by the nature of the word "struggle", what it means; it's difficult to overcome.
AIDS is a disease with real physical and psychological affects that quite literally prevent you from doing the same things everybody else can. The colour of your skin by itself does not physically prevent you from doing anything; its the factors surrounding you and your genetic makeup.

The fact that you want to compare your situation to those with AIDS is quite shocking.
At this point, youre ignoring facts that many people on this topic have pointed out. And you might as well should have left the first paragraph out because its plane incorrect and illogical/practical

At this point, youre ignoring facts that many people on this topic have pointed out. And you might as well should have left the first paragraph out because its plane incorrect and illogical/practical

Seeing as he is inferring from your text, it looks to me like you are ignoring the facts.