Author Topic: youtube (unintentional) subscriber cleansing  (Read 1642 times)

maybe children are growing up and cant find the appeal in watching douchebags play video games, when they could just play themselves.

i lost 10 subs, from 721 subs to 711 :(

Are there any definite sources on this?

Are there any definite sources on this?
i mean its happened before

maybe children are growing up and cant find the appeal in watching douchebags play video games, when they could just play themselves.
its on all channels not just pewdiepies

i lost 10 subs, from 721 subs to 711 :(

Oh, thank heavens!

suddenly down to 93 subs, i had 96

youtubers have lost tons of subscribers, possibly cracking down on viewbots
for example pewdiepie lost 580k subs today
how about keemstar's channels? lol

Lost three subscribers, rest in pesto

maybe children are growing up and cant find the appeal in watching douchebags play video games, when they could just play themselves.
actually it's a simple matter of what's being displayed on youtube not reflecting actual numbers, google just updated youtube to reflect that actual subscriber numbers

As Adolf Riddler I still have my 5 subs.

glitch, not cracking down on viewbots