Author Topic: Leave for Malawi tomorrow, AMA  (Read 1560 times)

Hello friends.
Tomorrow I go to Malawi.
Won't be back for two months.
Ask me anything.

Have fun, and where do you work

dont get aids.

take pics of awkwardly casual animals within society.

I heard they grow some high quality sativas in Malawi

I heard they grow some high quality sativas in Malawi
'Malawi Gold' is a complete myth. The weed is pretty stuffty in the country due to lack of a market for drugs. Theres no money in the industry.

is ephialtes going with you???

Don't get taken for ransom by an african warlord

Why are you going to Africa

what part of africa is malawi in (if it's in africa)

what part of africa is malawi in (if it's in africa)
East Africa. Away from the ebolas.