Author Topic: "Blockovania"  (Read 4172 times)

Not perfect but it's an attempt, if somebody wants to make it better feel free...


That was not bad at all.

it matched the beat perfectly but I think the wand sound and the printer sound were kinda unfitting for the song, I liked the brick sounds though

Go away, he can make whatever add-on he wants

i expected a cover made of blockland noises but no it's just non-melodious noises overlaid over the real song

Might I ask, what did you make this with?

Might I ask, what did you make this with?

I made it with audacity, I actually carefully changed the pitch of the brick sounds to each beat.

I will admit I got a bit lazy near the end hence it's short.

is this castlevania or megalovania? I am really hoping for the former.

oMG You Did A Undertale Your Such A Cancerous Autistic cigarette!!!!

haha this was funny to listen to its not very good but i guess that was OPs intention??? not sure

Try using synths maybe it'll be better or worse

but don't JUST use synths you can use the brick sounds too