Author Topic: Interrogation  (Read 1242 times)

Okay. The goal of the game is to book the criminal on the charges and he is sent off to the slammer. But, to do so you need to play your cards right.
1. No new cases are created if the current case is not solved.
2. If nobody can solve the case it may be marked as COLD and the Interrogation can be reopened later if no cases are currently taking place.
3. This requires RP plus background thought for your Interrogation yet you must provide clues before you begin your suspect quote of interrogation.
4. Also include statements and such besides just saying "Lie" "Truth" or "Doubt".
5. Let's roll!

It's time to start you all off with something.................... ............special.

Document: Blockhead shot in cold blood by unknown gunman!
Five .357 revolver rounds recovered a few feet from body.

Recovered Magnum found inside of a public trashcan a block east of the scene.

Paper found in victim's left jacket pocket stating "Congratulations wanker! Your researchhub subscription has expired. Try flappin' it in HD now!-due fee: $200".

Wallet found in victim's right jacket pocket soaked in blood, contents inside are a Driver's license, a Paypal and, $666 blood soaked one dollar bills.
Drivers license: (Name: Ephialtes|Age: 29|Born: 1987|Race: White|love: Blockhead)

Witnesses describe the suspect as a tall blockhead in mid 30's wearing a white shirt and the race is white.

Coroner's report states the victim was still alive after shot. Time of death: 3PM

Victim's computer has been investigated by Crime Technicians and found multiple email bribes and threats linked from

Harold, a bartender from across the street stated: "I was just done mixing this bubbah' a roostertail when suddenly I heard sudden bangs from outside. I didn't think much about it-like it must of been some folk's car breaking down-until I heard more.. This was around ugh.. 2:50ish? Wait-2:56PM-yeah."

The gun has been confiscated by YOU. After wrapping up at the scene, you head to the gunstore on 31st street and ask all the info on the weapon.
The salesman states the murder weapon is a Charter Arms Bulldog, five shot revolver. The Serial number on the side of the gun is registered to a "Eric hartman" once he checked the order logs on his PC.
You find his apartment and he is later taken into the precinct for questioning.

Get him to talk. You need a confession! don't mess up!

"God damnit, can I loving leave copper? I gottah' finish preparing for PAX with Rotondo! I don't even know why I am here." -Badspot

(A) Truth
(X) Doubt
(Y) Lie
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« Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 05:58:57 AM by Death The Kid »

doubt because its been a long while since blockland has been to PAX

Baddy ded

"Oh yeah flameforget? Prove it." Badspot
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"Oh yeah flameforget? Prove it." Badspot
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"Fine, you got me. The real badspot is dead. I'm sadspot." Badspot..?