Author Topic: Zealot & Maxx Derail a Steam Thread (Read pages 4-8! Juicy!)  (Read 12456 times)

just looked up uses of CE in chivalry, and i found out that chivalry can infact be manipulated via cheat engine. the one that i found the most mentions to is speedhacking via cheatengine

you also said this is what you used cheat engine for in the first place

If you're wondering why I had it, I use it to speed up travel time in games by binding the numpad to various speeds

not saying that you're a filthy cheater but the fact that one of the most prominent reasons for bans due to cheat engine in chivalry is speedhacking, after you say thats what you use CE for, makes me a little more than suspicious if this was actually a legitimate ban due to you using speedhacks in game

edit: link to one of the like 40 topics about CE's ability to speedhack in chivalry (along with people explaining how VAC can detect when this happens)

just looked up uses of CE in chivalry, and i found out that chivalry can infact be manipulated via cheat engine. the one that i found the most mentions to is speedhacking via cheatengine

you also said this is what you used cheat engine for in the first place

not saying that you're a filthy cheater but the fact that one of the most prominent reasons for bans due to cheat engine in chivalry is speedhacking, after you say thats what you use CE for, makes me a little more than suspicious if this was actually a legitimate ban due to you using speedhacks in game

edit: link to one of the like 40 topics about CE's ability to speedhack in chivalry (along with people explaining how VAC can detect when this happens)
Oh man, that doesn't help my case.

Welp, I didn't know. But I guess I could argue that if I wanted to hack in Chivalry, there are legit hacking programs to do so that are far more powerful than CE. One dude on an Arena map was making spears rain from the sky and instakilling everyone.

...unless I deliberately used Cheat Engine, knowing I could make this exact same argument to get my ban removed in 4 years time!

yes steam support can remove vac bans
but they are not going to do it for you

another brilliant post by: Maxx (read the thread)
« Last Edit: July 03, 2016, 04:14:04 PM by McZealot »

just because people are telling you what you don't want to hear doesn't mean you have to disregard their posts entirely
that's called being a cunt

just because people are telling you what you don't want to hear doesn't mean you have to disregard their posts entirely
that's called being a cunt
No, I'm disregarding the post entirely because you didn't read the thread and don't know what you're talking about.

Maxx, you spam people's Discord and Cytube rooms and when they ban you, you come back on another IP. You have no room to call anyone a cunt.

another brilliant post by: Maxx
...unless I deliberately used Cheat Engine, knowing I could make this exact same argument to get my ban removed in 4 years time!

the levels of literal autism is mindblowing

Uh, I don't see what's wrong with either of those posts? One is disregarding a user for not reading the thread, the other is sarcastic.

But you're partly right, I think. My post towards Maxx was a little too dismissive. I'll edit it for clarity.

it seems that if anyone says "no you probably can't just get that removed" you start acting like they're stuffposting or some stuff. it really is hard to remove a VAC ban and you seem to think that the case is going to be different for you just because "oh i wasn't actually using it guys!!!!! i just had it running in the background!!!!!"

Maxx, you spam people's Discord and Cytube rooms and when they ban you, you come back on another IP. You have no room to call anyone a cunt.
okay, first of all forget off he was telling it to you straight: there's no way you're getting out of this mess

you got your answer on the first page
honestly good luck on removing a vac ban.

valve rarely removes them because they're meant to be permanent.
what i'm saying is
steam support can remove vac bans, but the chances of them doing it are the same as a meteor going through a basketball hoop.
he answered the question you were asking, you don't seem to understand your own god damn question
No, they will not remove your VAC ban and/or status on your profile.

no you cant have cheats and then have the vac ban message removed 1000 days later

this is your fault, live with it

also before you pull that "you didnt read the thread" stuff on me i read the entire thing, its still no
it is now perfectly clear you are just trying to argue over meaningless bullstuff for the sake of arguing, you literally are dismissing their posts at this point by keeping this thread open and not taking a hint that nothing is going to remove that VAC ban. your answer is literally right loving there.

I ask that users read the thread to learn the specifics, but sorry if you think I was too rude to them. It's not like I got busted cheating and I want to play Chivalry again--and people acting like that is the cause kinda pisses me off. It feels like I've been accused of something. I accidentally had 3rd party software open which got me banned, and I'd like to have that sticker removed from my account.

okay, first of all forget off he was telling it to you straight: there's no way you're getting out of this mess

you got your answer on the first pagehe answered the question you were asking, you don't seem to understand your own god damn questionit is now perfectly clear you are just trying to argue over meaningless bullstuff for the sake of arguing, you literally are dismissing their posts at this point by keeping this thread open and not taking a hint that nothing is going to remove that VAC ban. your answer is literally right loving there.
oh damn, here we go.

okay, first of all forget off he was telling it to you straight: there's no way you're getting out of this mess
He wasn't telling me straight--he was wrong and got my question wrong. I didn't want my VAC ban taken off, and even if I did, users in my exact scenario have had theirs lifted. So it's not like the chances of it happening are unlikely.

you got your answer on the first page
Except that was about removing the VAC ban, which admittedly seemed unlikely. That wasn't what I was after.

he answered the question you were asking, you don't seem to understand your own god damn question
No, he didn't, but I still appreciate his contribution. You seem to be acting kinda out of character here.

it is now perfectly clear you are just trying to argue over meaningless bullstuff for the sake of arguing,
Uh? That seems to be you aswell. I do like arguing though.

you literally are dismissing their posts at this point by keeping this thread open and not taking a hint that nothing is going to remove that VAC ban. your answer is literally right loving there.
Except it's not only likely I could get it removed--it's not even what I wanted in the first place.

So I'll tell you what I told Maxx, albeit a bit less rudely--because you did put effort into your post.

(read the thread)

But I'm sorry if I upset anyone here. That definitely wasn't my intention. (except for maxx)

yeah they can but your chances are slim jim if they decide to unmark you
1.56% of Steam accounts checked are currently banned.
0.002% of Steam accounts checked were unbanned.

good luck getting a hold of valve to escape the situation

no they cannot and most likely will not since you cheated.
next time don't cheat please