I think he spammed it because he considered it repulsive. But the IPs will let us know for sure.
Also, Cytube warns you of a user's old names. Frequently users would join with nonsense names like "defs4wfgy" and begin flooding the chat, while Cytube would write "PAST USERNAMES: Maxx, TheMaxx, BigMaxx," ect.
Uh, sorry, who was using ad-hominem? I didn't notice that anywhere? Not saying it didn't happen.
i'll say this now and i'll stand with it because i know that i have done nothing wrong
i have never spammed your cytube and as far as i remember i have only been on it once and it was me quickly popping in to check it out and then leave shortly after
i don't like you and you don't like me but i can tell you that whoever was doing it was not me and they were just putting themselves under my name
i have been framed in blockland itself when Eepos was using a name similar to mine back in 2013 to spam the server list with bogus servers that flooded the server list
on cytube, however, you can set your name as anyone if you are unregistered, so that is likely the case
i hate furries and have for years, while that sounds edgy i just do not like them and i wouldn't do any activities related to them whatsoever
also, you claim that i have joined discords numerous times and done horrible things yet i only joined a discord once after i got banned
the only time that i have ever joined a discord after being banned was (and yes i admit to this) me joining fish tank under the name "Xvids" to see what was going on and i shortly got banned afterwards by someone
also to add, i have never used "bigmaxx, themaxx" before. so whoever did that spammy bullstuff is handicapped