Author Topic: Zealot & Maxx Derail a Steam Thread (Read pages 4-8! Juicy!)  (Read 12576 times)

A point made by an non-credible person can still be valid though. You shouldn't completely disregard someone's post because of that.


seriously stop the ad-hominem stuff

BLF Movie Night room when it got flooded by Maxx? Iirc the first time he started spamming furry research

i've known maxx for awhile and he loving hates that garbage, he wouldn't spam furry research lol

that was someone else using his name

I think he spammed it because he considered it repulsive. But the IPs will let us know for sure.

Also, Cytube warns you of a user's old names. Frequently users would join with nonsense names like "defs4wfgy" and begin flooding the chat, while Cytube would write "PAST USERNAMES: Maxx, TheMaxx, BigMaxx," ect.

seriously stop the ad-hominem stuff
Uh, sorry, who was using ad-hominem? I didn't notice that anywhere? Not saying it didn't happen.

I think he spammed it because he considered it repulsive. But the IPs will let us know for sure.

Also, Cytube warns you of a user's old names. Frequently users would join with nonsense names like "defs4wfgy" and begin flooding the chat, while Cytube would write "PAST USERNAMES: Maxx, TheMaxx, BigMaxx," ect.
Uh, sorry, who was using ad-hominem? I didn't notice that anywhere? Not saying it didn't happen.
i'll say this now and i'll stand with it because i know that i have done nothing wrong
i have never spammed your cytube and as far as i remember i have only been on it once and it was me quickly popping in to check it out and then leave shortly after
i don't like you and you don't like me but i can tell you that whoever was doing it was not me and they were just putting themselves under my name
i have been framed in blockland itself when Eepos was using a name similar to mine back in 2013 to spam the server list with bogus servers that flooded the server list
on cytube, however, you can set your name as anyone if you are unregistered, so that is likely the case
i hate furries and have for years, while that sounds edgy i just do not like them and i wouldn't do any activities related to them whatsoever
also, you claim that i have joined discords numerous times and done horrible things yet i only joined a discord once after i got banned
the only time that i have ever joined a discord after being banned was (and yes i admit to this) me joining fish tank under the name "Xvids" to see what was going on and i shortly got banned afterwards by someone

also to add, i have never used "bigmaxx, themaxx" before. so whoever did that spammy bullstuff is handicapped
« Last Edit: July 03, 2016, 06:46:02 PM by Maxx° »

Uh, sorry, who was using ad-hominem? I didn't notice that anywhere? Not saying it didn't happen.

You were implying that maxx's statements should be ignored because of supposed spam. Whether or not it's a fallacy it's a scummy thing to say

No. It's just like Rockstar. Once you're permabanned you're done kiddo. Trust me, I would know.

You were implying that maxx's statements should be ignored because of supposed spam. Whether or not it's a fallacy it's a scummy thing to say
pro-tip, he is also trying to claim that i spammed his cytube which i have never done, i rarely use cytube and i haven't in the past year
and its so loving easy to fake names on cytube because you can just throw in my name under "guest login"
i also don't recall there ever being any ip logs for cytube
so whoever spammed his cytube could be anyone and if hes trying to directly pin it on me, and if i were to give him my ip to check he can just take whatever ip i give him to double check and go "yea thats you its in my logs" and add it there
trust me i've been framed before and it honestly might be happening again

Valve have a userbase of over 125 million accounts, with an active userbase of somewhere around 12 million.

They don't have the time or people to physically inspect every single case of VAC-bans, and more over there's NO proof in your case that Cheat Engine was open on accident. You simply cannot prove you didn't have it open for non-malicious purposes because there's no data recorded about how Cheat Engine works at runtime; you simply got caught with it open and that's the end of that.

You were the one who left Cheat Engine running and you should have full-well known that multiplayer games that are secured by VAC will be triggered by so-called "cheat devices". Cheat Engine isn't always used for cheats and there's a lot of positive uses for it, but that doesn't excuse you getting sloppy.

You cannot and will not get the ban revoked unless you get a new account.

You were implying that maxx's statements should be ignored because of supposed spam. Whether or not it's a fallacy it's a scummy thing to say
No, I was saying he didn't have room to call someone a cunt because of his spam. Which I now have evidence of, and will be going up soon in a Maxx drama. Get your best arguments ready :)

No. It's just like Rockstar. Once you're permabanned you're done kiddo. Trust me, I would know.
Not always true. Thousands of users have been unbanned, some in my exact scenario. Though I admit it looks grim.

Valve have a userbase of over 125 million accounts, with an active userbase of somewhere around 12 million.

They don't have the time or people to physically inspect every single case of VAC-bans, and more over there's NO proof in your case that Cheat Engine was open on accident. You simply cannot prove you didn't have it open for non-malicious purposes because there's no data recorded about how Cheat Engine works at runtime; you simply got caught with it open and that's the end of that.

You were the one who left Cheat Engine running and you should have full-well known that multiplayer games that are secured by VAC will be triggered by so-called "cheat devices". Cheat Engine isn't always used for cheats and there's a lot of positive uses for it, but that doesn't excuse you getting sloppy.

You cannot and will not get the ban revoked unless you get a new account.
Hey man, while I do appreciate contributions to the thread, I don't really need extra info cause I'm already gonna email them. I can and hopefully will get unbanned, though it's unlikely Steam Support will be very co-operative. So you're probably right.

Cheat Engine wasn't open on accident, I just didn't know VAC cared that it was open. It's not like it was affecting the game. There *is* data on cheating incidents, or at least Valve claims there to be.

Let's not act like I deserve to be permanently Vac Banned (4 years now) because I left a program open in the background. You or anyone else here are just as likely to do it. I'd probably agree with everything else you said, but that seemed like a richard move.

Also, keep in mind that 4 years ago I was 12 or 13.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2016, 07:36:23 PM by McZealot »

No, I was saying he didn't have room to call someone a cunt because of his spam. Which I now have evidence of, and will be going up soon in a Maxx drama. Get your best arguments ready :)

Not always true. Thousands of users have been unbanned, some in my exact scenario. Though I admit it looks grim.
You now have evidence of what? some guy coming on under my name and spamming?
you're dense

You now have evidence of what? some guy coming on under my name and spamming?
No, I have evidence of your computer connecting to the room under multiple accounts which were then banned for spamming on the same nights that we hosted.
you're dense
I'm not too dense to use a VPN, however.

No, I have evidence of your computer connecting to the room under multiple accounts which were then banned for spamming on the same nights that we hosted.
I'm not too dense to use a VPN, however.
That could still be anyone, and I still as I have said do not care and do not want to spam your loving cytube
"not too dense to use a VPN"?
so anyone who uses a vpn is dense now?

also why the forget did you even add me on steam? i tried to talk to you and say stuff multiple times and you just sat there like a duck even when it said you were online
« Last Edit: July 03, 2016, 07:41:07 PM by Maxx° »

"not too dense to use a VPN"?
so anyone who uses a vpn is dense now?
do you know what a vpn is lol

Also, sorry I didn't see your Steam Messages. I'd answer anything you had to say.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2016, 07:43:26 PM by McZealot »

do you know what a vpn is lol -this is not related to anything i said and is merely here to fillup the reply.

Also, sorry I didn't see your Steam Messages. I'd answer anything you had to say. -this is bullstuff, you were online and steam notifies you with the constant "ding" noise of people sending you messages, unlses you had an autoclicker or some thing running to make steam think you're online, this is wrong.
since you're already going to drama me i'll be there to defend myself because i know that i have done nothing wrong

-this is bullstuff, you were online and steam notifies you with the constant "ding" noise of people sending you messages, unlses you had an autoclicker or some thing running to make steam think you're online, this is wrong.
Actually Maxx, I own an HTC Vive. SteamVR was enabled, but I was not using the Vive at that time. When you use it, messages pop up inside of your VR games, rendered in 3D. The Vive acts as a seperate monitor, so I could not see them from my desktop monitors. The noise was echoing through the Vive headphones, while I wore none.

But thanks for reminding me to turn that off.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2016, 07:57:40 PM by McZealot »

"not too dense to use a VPN"?
so anyone who uses a vpn is dense now?
ur reading comprehension skills could use a little work
"too dense to use a VPN" would mean that because you are so dense, you did not use a VPN
steam notifies you with the constant "ding" noise of people sending you messages
unless u like, turn that off, lol
or what zealot said I guess