Author Topic: TheAnimeFan  (Read 5018 times)

thats wrong
sword art online is objectively bad
sheesh, i didn't know anyone could have a typo that bad
obviously you really meant that it's factually good

sword art online is the only good anime though
Yay somebody also likes SAO

sword art online is the only good anime though
trick question. there is no good anime. only less bad by comparison anime.

trick question. there is no good anime. only less bad by comparison anime.

Everyone knows that SAO is the worst of all bad anime. Don't let them put false information in your head.

It is kind of rude to drama a new forum user right away.


i mean, i SAO entertained me but looking back the story was pretty shallow and i can understand why people wouldn't like it. the premise was cool if nothing else.
hey wait a second i think there's a thread for this

  I was banned for 3 days, be happy.

Yeah, no. We're addressing your behavior.
Listen buddy. Stop drinking the coffee, and sit back a sec. Observe the forums a bit. See how things work before posting needlessly.

It is kind of rude to drama a new forum user right away.

That's no excuse for his behavior.

That's no excuse for his behavior.

true, liking anime is quite the sin

Aren't you the one who tried to get people to get your facepack?
loving idiot.
/nosupport because hes a loving friend