Author Topic: ideas on how to gain more players  (Read 13602 times)

Other servers such as CityRPs don't have a reward based system so players usually don't stay very long. Although players in CityRPs earn money, they do nothing to deserve this 'reward' and they can not spend it on anything other than food, decreasing retention basically due to the futility of the system.
no city rpgs retain the best compared to all the blockland gamemodes
when you get past the first initial grind you're hooked because you just spent all this time to get stuff in this city rpg game and you're not going to leave because of that work that you put in. even if the work isn't very important, like cutting down trees, players will still become hooked and won't want to leave the server because of all the time they spent to earn their money. this is probably why stuff like runescape is popular too, the grind gets you addicted to the game and you don't want to stop playing it

vac ban anyone who hosts a roleplay

We need original fun servers. Like sky fort wars. Seriously though: it takes a pretty used gamemode and adds many original fun new ideas.

Fun games are always pretty cool and holds players.

just anything creative and not overdone
i can guarantee that if you make a new and fresh concept/gamemode, it'll be popular. most people are tired of the same old prison escape and city rpg servers

Honestly, I want racing servers other then speedkart. Possibly a big map to road trip across too. It would show the potential the game has. Maybe servers/gamemodes based on movies/shows that we like, Stuff like a proper Pokemon server or a "Gone in 60 Seconds" gamemode. What BL really needs is now innovations that haven't been tried before that have been thought to have been impossible.

Stuff like this: (This is here because of how Teneski made a huge leap in vehicle modeling).

Everything above is what I'm talking about. We need more stuff like this to keep the BL fresh! Maybe even some maps to help add on makers with their add on making.

does anyone remember plastiwares pirate forget around? I remember that even if there wasn't a purpose to it at all it was still super fun and usually had a 20+ playercount

What about something else instead of the same thing over and over.

we have talked about player retention so that they don't leave after a week

and now for the other side of the coin, actually gaining these new players through steam or the website.
so, how can blockland gain more players at a faster pace?

and now for the other side of the coin, actually gaining these new players through steam or the website.
so, how can blockland gain more players at a faster pace?
Decent let's play from somewhat popular Youtubers might do the trick.

updates a cheap sale always works it seems

i thought i remember someone hand building a cool looking WWI map but never hosted because they had no money for a dedi.

it does not have to be popular just videos that show off good blockland servers or builds with links

like or those videos that freek made once in the samurai tdm or those videos that one guy makes on kong123(?)'s speedkart

as long as they're good videos

Blockland is a hard game to do a "let's play" as its entirely a sandbox. However, a well commented and well edited series featuring high quality servers and reviews would be very good. Maybe some add-on spotlights too.

Blockland is a hard game to do a "let's play" as its entirely a sandbox. However, a well commented and well edited series featuring high quality servers and reviews would be very good. Maybe some add-on spotlights too.
this thought reminded me about garrys mod

and i remembered that the most notable part of garrys mod were the videos people made with them

utilizing custom models and maps to create goofy animations


hmm indeed

what, are you looking at me? dont you see im a busy person? i don't have time to constantly work on BL stuff!!!

but yeah thats why i mod these days: make more cool stuff and maybe help others make cool stuff too
compared to the past we have a lot fewer modders these days, and i want to do something to help change that. its partly why im doing commissions now: its gets me off my lazy ass and work on things instead of browse YouTube or soemthing
« Last Edit: July 13, 2016, 08:06:16 PM by Conan »