Author Topic: Jitankcigarette Black Lives Matter activists, hi-jacks threads.  (Read 19593 times)

Did you say you were unproductive and couldn't get a job because somebody called you a monday or something like that?
thats nothing close to anything ive ever said.
As someone with Irish heritage The Great Famine still effects me today I haven't eaten a potato in weeks
you are just being petty

you are just being petty

i'll make sure to save this quote for the next stupid thing you say, thanks

i'll make sure to save this quote for the next stupid thing you say, thanks
Same for you buddy 😊

Same for you buddy 😊
jitank is your best comeback just saying ditto

you are just being petty
You have so little self-awareness it's beautiful

you are just being petty

My lungs are in no condition for this abuse

you are just being petty

He's petty because he is white?

So the irish famine is less severe because he;s white?

isn't jitank just a notorious troll whose only goal is to stuff up as many threads as possible with racial debates

that, or he's legitimately ok with spending his life blaming "the white man" for all of his own shortcomings instead of just growing the forget up

He's bringing up racial issues that don't exist anymore.

If the wound is closed then it's healed.

Picking the wound is just re opening it.

I am not responsible for what my ancestors did and I will not apologize for something I didn't do.

hes not bringing up racial issues that don't exist anymore. the problem is hes forcing it in our faces and acting like hes on the moral high ground when the discussion never called for this issue to be brought up.

i sent him a couple pm's trying to explain that he should explicitly avoid these kinds of topics especially on this forum, but he doesnt seem to understand he's just causing annoyances to everyone and may eventually go over the line like taboo did and get permanned.