Author Topic: Pokémon GO Megathread  (Read 50139 times)

i can reach 2 pokestops from my new dorm room and usually one of them is lured hell yeah

i caught a seadra at walmart.

how the hell do you guys level up pokemon so fast
my strongest one is an electabuzz and he only goes up around 24 cp per candy

my magikarp is the best pokemon ever
it has like
12 CP

how the hell do you guys level up pokemon so fast
my strongest one is an electabuzz and he only goes up around 24 cp per candy
I just catch high cp Pokemon and wait to evolve my highest one

I noticed a magnemite in the sightings list out of the corner of my eye and managed to triangulate and catch it before it despawned, I'm so happy

Went to Green Lake park yesterday and voltorbs were spawning like crazy. I've been around the lake three times before and only ever got water pokemon.

i should play more im only level 8

and now I caught a staryu in the grocery store parking lot, this is a good week for finding my favorites

still have to find a bunch more to evolve them, though

Was hatching eggs and about threw my phone when I thought a 218cp Krabby hatched out of a 10km egg. Checked my eggs and my 10km egg was still at 9.9km (got another pinsir from it though...)

and now I caught a staryu in the grocery store parking lot, this is a good week for finding my favorites

still have to find a bunch more to evolve them, though
I'm sitting on 49 Staryu candies right now.