Author Topic: Pokémon GO Megathread  (Read 50140 times)

lol lowest level lapras ever

if i can just find a jynx and a lickitung i'll die a happy man

new goots:
 1516 slowbro
 1224 golduck
 515 machop (will be like a 1700 machamp holy forget)

Really odd amount of people with max CP Dragonites, Labprases, and Snorlaxes out there.


Joke's on the cheaters though they all have really bad type weaknesses in every gym so it's easy to kick their asses still.

the parking lot at my local supermarket seems to be a popular place for water pokémon to appear for some reason

I just hatched two 10km eggs one after the other. One had a 700ish cp pinsir, which has so far been powered up to 1014cp. The other had a similar cp electabuzz which I've powered another 150cp on top of that.

I also now have all of the bird pokemon collected (pidgey/spearow families, might be another one)

the leader at a nearby gym has a 3018 cp dragonite

the leader at a nearby gym has a 3018 cp dragonite
they need to crack down on illegitimate pokemon like that

Jesus christ

Not bad not bad

« Last Edit: September 04, 2016, 10:34:38 AM by XR-7 »

same thing happened to me

Jealous, my Flareon got loving heat wave or whatever the bs move is.

Caught a 998cp Pinsir and a 1018cp Pidgeot within minutes of each other. Got the pinsir on my first throw too.

I also finally have a pikachu. All the ones I'd encountered before fled without a successful capture, and it took me hatching it from a 2km egg to finally get one.

they're finally releasing the GO Plus on the 16th

it's supposedly $35 USD as long as the price hasn't changed since E3