Author Topic: Pokémon GO Megathread  (Read 50144 times)

alright so later tommorow or today actually go ask them if you could get a cell phone
if they say no ask for a specific reason and dont get huffy about it if you're that kind of kid
Yeah, i'll try to explain them in depth on how obtaining a smartphone will not expose me to any danger if im aware of what im doing. Maybe they might allow me to get one.

But ye thanks for the help tho

Hey wait can you get shiny pokemon in pokemon go?

:OOOOO that would be amazing.

haha no you dont
i never did i just wanted one
Well I kinda have to, like I need to tell them when I need to get picked up or if something gets cancelled or something. But realistically, yeah, I just want a phone lol.

haha no you dont
how can you even decide that.
i would die without a smartphone. i use it so much for group chats with various social cliques virtual and real life. music, podcasts, maps, reddit, pokemon go, banking.

Hey wait can you get shiny pokemon in pokemon go?
there isnt

there isnt
Aw, that kinda would be cool tho. Just showing it off to all your friends and then they start getting jealous and then a war begins and then...

CIA hacks Pokemon server
Place mew in central park
Lots of people gather there
Allah akbar

Got an Onix in my neighborhood a second ago

Well I kinda have to, like I need to tell them when I need to get picked up or if something gets cancelled or something. But realistically, yeah, I just want a phone lol.
how can you even decide that.
i would die without a smartphone. i use it so much for group chats with various social cliques virtual and real life. music, podcasts, maps, reddit, pokemon go, banking.
he said for clubs and [after school] activities
a normal dumb/basic phone could do him just good if he needs to call his parents
he could always ask his friends, teachers, or even use the school's phone to call his parents
it's what i did before i got one

a normal dumb/basic phone
im not convinced those still exist

im not convinced those still exist
yeah my stance in this discussion was purely because i like arguing and featureless phones will get you nowhere today
you need a smartphone

yeah my stance in this discussion was purely because i like arguing and featureless phones will get you nowhere today
you need a smartphone
Yeah what daswiruch said, I can get a basic phone and do what a BASIC phone does. But a smartphone, as we all know can do much more. It would make alot more sense to get a smartphone rather than a basic phone.

while we're at it why not get one of those ladybug things that can only call your parents and the police

while we're at it why not get one of those ladybug things that can only call your parents and the police
LOL, are those even sold anymore?! I see kids from elementary school with phones nowadays. Ladybug phones should naturally be obsolete at this point.

LOL, are those even sold anymore?! I see kids from elementary school with phones nowadays. Ladybug phones should naturally be obsolete at this point.
just checked and they've upgraded their ladybug to the jitterbug which is just the ladybug but you can call other numbers
AND it flips open