Author Topic: No Man's Sky Official Megathread  (Read 104423 times)

as someone whose somehow dodged the crashing issues, I think the games great so far.

There are a few things I kind of wish they add in the future, like npcs that actually move around on planets and space stations, and maybe make it so theres some faster form of land travel other than having to jump around in my ship constantly whenever somethings like 10 minutes distance away.

Wait, he isnt?
I've started to believe that he is a while ago.
Glad I'm not the only one that believes so.

I'm loving this game so far, 10 hours in. There's something unique about coming across a crashed ship in the middle of a frozen wasteland and speculating the fate of the crashed pilot. I can really let my imagination and creativity run loose in this game. loving vibe, bro.

The only thing I don't like so far is the restrictions on player freedom, which in some cases is understandable (like not being able to fly into the sun) but in some cases needlessly arbitrary (not being able to crash into the surface of the planet at mach 10)

hey you poop nobblers im streaming.

stream is over now, because i have to do some other bullstuff.

i'll stream later
« Last Edit: August 13, 2016, 02:20:54 PM by The Young Avenger »

Ok. wtf sean murray is this game multiplayer or not?!

Stop messing with me sean murray!

Why is it so hard to just say whether or not the game is or will be multiplayer?

Why is it so hard to just say whether or not the game is or will be multiplayer?
some form of autism I'm guessing

Why is it so hard to just say whether or not the game is or will be multiplayer?
Being vague is what built up the hype for the game. Sean Murray seems to think that being vague will save the game.


I'd like to cast one aspersion aside right now: this is definitely not a "chill" game. It's highly tedious and involved. Unless by "chill" you mean "thoughtless and repetitive."

Well, I legally played a friend's copy of NMS  for 3-4 hours and wow that was really underwhelming. I would honestly feel kinda angry and betrayed if I got suckered into paying $60 for this mess. The planets are certainly cool, but they are all one biome and most of them are extremely barren. I had one experience I'd describe as being really great, and that was when I was scouring across my totally barren desert planet, and I found a canyon that was entirely full of plants with water at the bottom, almost like a jungle in the crack. The rest of it was pretty dull.

So, the planets are definitely cool, but I've got a few gripes. The flying is terrible. It reminds me of flying in Spore, how you can never actually fly down onto the surface, you just zoom around at a safe distance from the ground and press a button when you are ready to land. The speed progression feels totally wonky. The combat was honestly pretty terrible. You have one gun, which fires a laser at hordes of flying robots that zoom at you, as they drop one by one from the sky and give you nothing. The ship combat is pretty bad as well, and as far as I can tell the only purpose it might serve is self-defense. It's like a crappy version of Elite Dangerous all around.

And the core gameplay was just dreadfully boring. You have a few meters (life support, hazard protection, all your ship parts need fuel) and the only way to reset them is to go mine for elements on the surface of a planet. This is accomplished by walking and jetting around the surface for a few minutes until you come across a tower of whatever element you need, then spending 3-4 minutes completely demolishing it through a highly boring mining system. Also, there's no gravity, so the bits you take out will have pieces floating above them, and usually you'll be left with a few unmined little rocks floating high in the air.

So, discovery is pretty lame. You look at a plant or animal with your binoculars and it gets a generated name, then like 200 credits (or some other extremely small amount of money) appear in your bank account. So rewarding! You then get to turn those elements into fuel, go sell the stuff you don't want at a station, head down to the next system, and repeat.

Incredibly boring gameplay loop. Pretty visuals, but most of the planets are barren and you can see all they have to offer in 90 seconds. Don't think you'll be exploring jungles or anything fun in this game. It's quite literally a race against time to go mine more Heridium which appears as a random tower of ore jutting out of the planet's surface.

Incredibly disappointing. I've played for 3-4 hours and I feel like I've seen it all.


+ Very nice visuals on planets
+ Interesting crafting/ship system
- Ridiculously quickly depleting resource bars (fuel/life-support/hazard-protection)
- Extremely boring mining is the backbone of the game and will be most of your time in it
- Very simplistic and restrictive flight in ships
- Boring and mindless combat in ships and on-foot

"But I have to spend my money somewhere!"

IF YOU WANT TO EXPLORE IN A CASUAL GAME WITH ACTUAL MULTIPLAYER: Go buy Pulsar: Lost Colony. It's an incredible little space exploration indie game where you and a crew of up to 5 friends explore space while working specific roles to keep your starship operational.

IF YOU WANT TO TRADE AND MICROMANAGE IN A DEEP GAME WITH PVP: Go buy Elite: Dangerous. It's not as pretty as No Man's Sky, but achieves a much more gritty and realistic feel. The gameplay is actually addictive, unlike NMS, and I've spent almost 400 hours in it.

Oh yea, and the performance was really damn terrible. I was getting 5-10 FPS until I painstakingly set it to bordered windows mode, maxed out FPS limit (why the hell was it capped at 30?!) fixed the resolution and restarted the games a few times. I managed to get it running very smoothly after a lot of effort on my really boss PC, but every 45 minutes or so the game just went mental and started giving me 8 FPS once again, so I had to restart it. The game takes like 3-4 minutes to boot up on launch.

So don't get suckered in by "It'll be updated with more stuff" because more stuff won't fix the core gameplay which is really awful. Like, do me a favor and do not buy this game for any more than $15. Please. You will regret it, or you will lie to yourself. There are good devs who could use that money.

About the gun and the surveying robots, you can obtain different guns, but they replace the standard multi-tool, so they will all be capable of mining, but may have to be re-upgraded to have a scanner and fire plasma bolts as a secondary means of taking down enemies

The robots actually do drop something, besides giving you a clump of titanium, they'll occasionally drop a drum or something that you can then interact with to obtain other sorts of items from

Played 12 hours in 2 days

Tbh no mans sky just seems like my type of video game. I'll try it out, and if it really is as bad as you say, I'll do what I did with Lichdom: Battlemage. Wait until they inevitably fix it all.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2016, 05:20:17 PM by Bing2 »

built for the ps4, ported to the pc but still running on ps4 call functions etc.