Author Topic: No Man's Sky Official Megathread  (Read 104417 times)

The robots actually do drop something, besides giving you a clump of titanium, they'll occasionally drop a drum or something that you can then interact with to obtain other sorts of items from
they actually always drop a barrel, it just loves to roll all over the place.
I hope sentinels start to change up as you get closer to the center because right now all sentinels are incredibly easily to kill and I've fought about 40 of them and have gotten all of the tech drops from them like 3 times over now.

i think no mans sky will do bad
an indie dev can't put out an aaa level game without problems
i predicted it (as well as many others)
i lost my hope in this game about 2 months ago

uh people who are complaining about "bad graphics" should probably just play the game anyway because im on low settings for the most part and the game is still beautiful

i absolutely cannot

i absolutely cannot
I'm absolutely in love with this game's creature generator, and would love to see something similar implemented in other titles.

I've found a thread that fixes the crashing to desktop at the white screen in the beginning of the game:
The game runs around 20FPS at lowest settings, but it's playable (not really) and looks just as gorgeous as it would in highest imp, without having the minimum system requirements (Running on an AMD Processor and GPU). and running the game below 720p

Has anyone had an issue with control lag/ locking? Frequently my keyboard locks up and holds down the buttons last pressed before the lag, and can make my character walk endlessly without pressing any buttons. It doesn't have any affect on mouse movements but it can be quite annoying to get locked up when you're doing something important. This prevents me from doing anything on the keyboard ingame for several seconds, including going into options.

Edit: Not playing in fullscreen has bumped the game closer to 40-50 FPS stable.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2016, 12:55:43 AM by 8hbc »

Is planet destruction permanent? Does stuff grow back? Kind of weird to have a huge planet and to have stuff regenerate. I mean who the hell is going to mine an entire planet?

I mean who the hell is going to mine an entire planet?
Is that a challenge?

on the topic of repetitive barren planets:
different star systems have different colored stars. these different systems have different types of planets and better resources.
by default, your hyperdrive can access yellow (class G) star systems. most of the planets in these systems are barren. in addition, if you're following the Atlas waypoints, you will not deviate from these systems.
there are higher tiered star systems that can be accessed. if the star system is a higher "tier" (not to say there is an established tier list), the planets have a higher chance of being more lush with rarer resources.
the only way to access these better star systems is with a warp reactor.

on another note, i found a planet that is entirely barren and dead, but is covered in huge gold deposits. there's plenty of sac venom too. but the planet also drains your life support at double the speed. kind of annoying.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2016, 12:44:29 AM by auzman466 »

Is planet destruction permanent? Does stuff grow back? Kind of weird to have a huge planet and to have stuff regenerate. I mean who the hell is going to mine an entire planet?

It's the way the generation works. If they had to keep track of who's mined and destroyed what, instead of just deleting it and generating it again when needed, they'd have to store all that data somewhere. It would make the game very prone to data corruption and other anomalies probably. Same reason you can only discard stuff and not drop it

Is gam good

If you're looking to get in a space ship and explore a lifetime's amount of planets because you love the space exploration genre, you'll love this game. If you don't, you'll get bored and find a thousand reasons to complain about it.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2016, 01:02:54 AM by Rally »