Author Topic: No Man's Sky Official Megathread  (Read 104137 times)

Does SPORE have more interactivity and content then this?

literally yes

So whats there to even DO in No mans sky? You can't build stuff in Minecraft and you can't build a space empire like in Stellaris. Does SPORE have more interactivity and content then this?

literally yes

Clearly you two have never played an actual exploration game or have researched enough of NMS to come to the realization that it's an exploration game with a central goal of reaching the center of the galaxy. A lot of people find that goal interesting enough to play the game. Not to mention all the other fundamental aspects of the game such as exploring on and off planets and finding cool stuff. You salvage materials from planets to make stuff that you can use to upgrade your ship/weapon/suit while simultaneously avoiding Sentinels trying to stop you from doing so. You can also play as a trader, or just simply explore.

Obviously the game isn't for some people like you and frequency but completely degrading and dismissing the game like it's an objectively bad game is absolutely ridiculous and deserves nothing more than a forget off from me and anyone else here who has common sense

A lot of people find that goal interesting enough to play the game.
yeah for a week

It's No Man's Sky because No Man give a stuff about going to single-biome planets with gayliens.

yeah for a week
nice you nitpicked one sentence from my argument and stated something that has absolutely no merit to it at all

even though it's a central goal and still may take only a week there's more things you can do other than that that could entertain people for months

It's No Man's Sky because No Man give a stuff about going to single-biome planets with gayliens.
ok yeah i think it's safe to say though that most of the people stuffting on the game are trolls especially with this dumb ass comment lol

even though it's a central goal and still may take only a week there's more things you can do other than that that could entertain people for months
like what

Clearly you two have never played an actual exploration game or have researched enough of NMS to come to the realization that it's an exploration game with a central goal of reaching the center of the galaxy. A lot of people find that goal interesting enough to play the game. Not to mention all the other fundamental aspects of the game such as exploring on and off planets and finding cool stuff. You salvage materials from planets to make stuff that you can use to upgrade your ship/weapon/suit while simultaneously avoiding Sentinels trying to stop you from doing so. You can also play as a trader, or just simply explore.

Obviously the game isn't for some people like you and frequency but completely degrading and dismissing the game like it's an objectively bad game is absolutely ridiculous and deserves nothing more than a forget off from me and anyone else here who has common sense

no see the thing is that we've played actual exploration games and no man's sky is a stuffty one built on lies, sorry. reaching the center isn't challenging or rewarding, it's just a long and drawn out task of tedious activity. everything else you mentioned is either an unenjoyable grind/obstacle or a shallow implementation to provide the illusion of a variety of things to do.

Spore allowed you atleast make modify planets and do stuff with the life. Not to mention randomly generated aliens will be no where near as interesting as one someone took time to design and make.

also apparently my joke proves everyone who criticizes the game is a troll, k.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2016, 11:37:54 PM by TheABELBOTO »

holy forget the amount of people bashing on the game who havent even played it

like seriously its just getting really sad that people just assume the games stuff because it isnt living up to the expectations they pulled out of their ass, its starting to genuinely piss me off

I for one believe the games going to live up to what they promised, not what everyone keeps on pulling out of their ass

Again, the evidence is there but you're so dense or your head is so far up your ass that you are unable to see it. Quit white knighting and maybe we might take you seriously for once.

like what
exploration, somewhat-survival, space battles to name a few

clearly the game's aspects aren't for everyone, but people who are expecting it to be anything more than an exploration-based game with that central goal are stupid and/or delusional.

no see the thing is that we've played actual exploration games and no man's sky is a stuffty one built on lies, sorry. reaching the center isn't challenging or rewarding, it's just a long and drawn out task of tedious activity. everything else you mentioned is either an unenjoyable grind/obstacle or a shallow implementation to provide the illusion of a variety of things to do.
cool. you played other explorations games and enjoyed them. people find this exploration game interesting, doesn't make the game bad. it makes it bad to you. (but you haven't played it either!)

also i know this isn't some new thing and many games have this, but for me personally i could spend hours just entering and re-entering planet atmospheres because that seamless entering/exiting orbit feature is loving fascinating to me tbqh

also apparently my joke proves everyone who criticizes the game is a troll, k.
your "joke" is just a sorry attempt to ridicule people who actually like the game for what it is.
maybe im just being a bitch and over-defensive tho and didn't get the "joke"

also maybe you can't read either, but i do think i said "most people" not "everyone". maybe i was a little too vague with what i said, but i meant a lot of the people in here stuffting on the game are trolling and when i read your "joke" post, it was only proof of that

(but you haven't played it either!)

maybe because I've skimmed through hours of footage of different people doing the same things in the same ways in the same environments with the same rules and the same regulations and the same limitations and the same content with the same pace and the same dull look on their face as they make the magical journey of pushing forward on their brown townog sticks

if I wanted that, I'd play starmade, a cheaper game that I already own that even lets you make your own spacecraft (and play with other people too, wow!)
« Last Edit: August 10, 2016, 11:51:24 PM by Frequency »

gonna borrow a copy tomorrow so I can form a more valid opinion. Stay tuned kiddos.

or have researched enough of NMS

Yeah, No stuff sherlock, thats why I'm asking what do you DO in the game?

it's an exploration game with a central goal of reaching the center of the galaxy.

Really because thats not what the review I saw said
He said that it IS a survival game

Not to mention all the other fundamental aspects of the game such as exploring on and off planets and finding cool stuff.

Cool, procedurally generated stuff. It wont be long until everything starts looking the same. Theres no point in exploring if you can't do anything or if theres no objective. At that point it's just an art gallery.

You salvage materials from planets to make stuff that you can use to upgrade your ship/weapon/suit while simultaneously avoiding Sentinels trying to stop you from doing so. You can also play as a trader, or just simply explore.

Great. A generic upgrade system in a game with no other real uses for the materials. It really does have less content then spore. At least in Spore you can forget with the whole planet and displace species.

Obviously the game isn't for some people like you and frequency but completely degrading and dismissing the game like it's an objectively bad game

Dude I was loving asking if the game had more or less content then spore? And judging by the looks of it it has less content then Spore.

and deserves nothing more than a forget off from me and anyone else here who has common sense

It's pretty obvious that you have a bias towards the game. Even if it's a legit piece of steaming stuff you would still praise it like it's gold. Judging by the salt in your text you seem to be incapable of thinking critically.

I guessed a while ago that I probably wouldn't like it

I think I like this game a lot more in theory than I actually will in practice
I'm not sure that any game will ever fulfill my scifi fantasies :(

but even then I was still planning on buying it. the more time that goes by the more I realize how completely uninterested I am in this game. I think the biggest killer for me is just that it's not made by people enthusiastic about science fiction. I mean, their only other game is frickin, joe danger. I'm sure a couple of people there really care about scifi and all but this is clearly not a game for that kind of person. I don't even know who this game is supposed to be marketed towards. minecraft fans? space engineers players? I have no clue

like there are robots on every planet already? why, first of all? and secondly, how? how'd they get there? I don't know. probably some "precursors" handwave, because why bother showing any respect to the people playing your game
and apparently you can trade for like money or other stuff or something. I'm not sure if I can hold this against them too much because most people probably don't even think about it, much less actually take it into consideration, but in a galaxy where anyone can go pretty much anywhere whenever they want, why would you need to do that? that's what's called post-scarcity, my man. you literally have an entire galaxy's worth of resources that you could use robots to gather and you're still gonna be a space pirate. k

maybe because I've skimmed through hours of footage of different people doing the same things in the same ways in the same environments with the same rules and the same regulations and the same limitations and the same content with the same pace and the same dull look on their face as they make the magical journey of pushing forward on their brown townog sticks
maybe you could link me the footage because most of the footage i've watched are people absolutely enjoying the game and what it has to offer and only makes me want to play it more

Really because thats not what the review I saw said
He said that it IS a survival game

Cool, procedurally generated stuff. It wont be long until everything starts looking the same. Theres no point in exploring if you can't do anything or if theres no objective. At that point it's just an art gallery.
lmao. exploring is an objective in and of itself for a lot of people. again, you're expecting the game to be way more than what it really is. also spore is a completely different game with completely different objectives. comparing/contrasting content between the two is kind of irrelevant.

It's pretty obvious that you have a bias towards the game. Even if it's a legit piece of steaming stuff you would still praise it like it's gold. Judging by the salt in your text you seem to be incapable of thinking critically.
i'm genuinely interested in the game and I do hope that I will enjoy it for the most part. however, i've seen enough to form my own opinion on the game and it's definitely not this objectively horrible game with nothing to do like some of you say it is. actual gameplay will decide it all.