Author Topic: No Man's Sky Official Megathread  (Read 105314 times)

only "hostiles" I've encountered are just those sentinels that can god damn sense something breaking from a mile away so they can stare at where it was and waggle their loving scanner finger at you like you're some kind of stray dog that just urinated on the carpet.

its okay though cause as soon as they turn away I blast them in the backside.

The dev said it himself but okay


because I don't loving see it anywhere and I looked.


because I don't loving see it anywhere and I looked.
his source is google

If No Man's Sky has ripped off any game, it's Halo, i mean, it's in space, sure, and you have a futuristic HUD, but look at the multi-tool, it's obviously a Brute Plasma Rifle, it's red, rounded, has a blue meter on it, and it even fires plasma bolts when you upgrade it to shoot plasma bolts

Where's that lawsuit from Bungie???

I see nothing on terrain destruction being permanent

If No Man's Sky has ripped off any game, it's Halo, i mean, it's in space, sure, and you have a futuristic HUD, but look at the multi-tool, it's obviously a Brute Plasma Rifle, it's red, rounded, has a blue meter on it, and it even fires plasma bolts when you upgrade it to shoot plasma bolts

Where's that lawsuit from Bungie???
I'd say the UI is more Destiny-esque, but yeah.

Movies run at 24 FPS because they know no one can loving see past 30 anyways unless told it was 30 FPS.
Movies run at 24FPS because that was the standard set up when cinemas moved from silent (which ran between 16 - 26) to sound movies. Since 22 - 26 were the most common framerates for film, they decided to go right down the middle and set the standard of 24.

Nowadays, the equipment used in cinemas is HIGHLY specialised and must run at exactly 24FPS, and so this is why all films are recorded and edited to 24FPS. This is why the 48FPS version of The Hobbit was only shown at select cinemas which had purchased the appropriate equipment.

The simple fact of the matter is that, while the way our eyes work doesn't exactly correspond with "frame-rate", the closest FPS that matches how we view things is about 120 - 144, although it's wildly dependant on a person's brain and eyes. That said, the gap between 30FPS -> 60FPS is much larger than the gap between 60FPS -> 120FPS, which is why less people can tell the difference for the latter.

The PC version is literally emulating the PS4, they didn't even bother
LibSceFios2.dll handles Sony Input/Output. It's extremely weird that it's there (and potentially breaching the rules for the Sony Development Kit contract), but I personally don't think that it's emulating the PS4 version because of one file.

Gibbed himself (an absolute legend) was also curious about the existence of the file, but he didn't say emulation either. I could be wrong for sure, but I think we'll have to wait for heavier evidence to confirm or deny.

There's no kidding that the game runs like stuff, though. What an absolute loving joke.

EDIT: As an interesting side note, the PS4 and Xbox One are both x86, same as the PC. I'm not familiar with the PS4 development kit, although I know that the Xbox One is completely capable of just running straight Executables and Dynamic Link Library code. There may be more truth to the "emulation" thing, although it's more likely that the developers only targeted one Windows machine while porting and didn't test on other machines to check their code worked.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2016, 06:42:57 PM by McJob »

On the subject of dumb science fiction, I was reading Roger Ebert's review of Starship Troopers and found this article comment hilarious. I'm losing my stuff over it so bad for some reason and I have to post it somewhere. This is my thread, so you can't complain.


Oh my Heck you are negative person. Shame on you for going on and on about machine guns. Up to now that part had not worried me. First movie I would rate 5 out of 5, because its a tear jerker movie about the group of friends staying alive. Finding themselves promoted to important roles as heroes. They under estimated some supporting actors by killing them off.

Like, it's funny for so many reasons. For one thing, the review is literally like 23 years old--and Roger Ebert is dead, yet this dude still comments telling Roger Ebert to feel ashamed for giving it 2/4 stars, like it's just some blog post somewhere. For another, the fact that anyone considers Starship Troopers the first great film they've seen is absolutely hysterical. It's like, one of the dumbest films ever. "It's a tear jerker movie"--wait, wait, he was crying during STARSHIP TROOPERS? This probably isn't very funny if you've not seen the movie, but it's extremely tasteless and asinine. The whole movie is dudes shooting giant bugs apart. "Finding themselves promoted to the roles of heroes" ridiculously quickly in a completely unrealistic scenario, and "A group of friends struggling to stay alive" is one of the most hilarious interpretations of the film I've ever seen.

I had to post this somewhere. This is genuinely one of the funniest things I've ever read for some reason. It's angry comment directed at a dead film critic who left a negative review 23 years ago of an extremely mediocre film that for some reason you consider to be the first 10/10 film you've ever witnessed.

(That said, Starship Troopers is awesome as a so-bad-its-good film cause the cheese is turned up to 1000)

I think Starship Troopers is a pretty good film though, it works really well as a satire of the source material and the kind of militaristic republicanism that it espoused. I don't think it's even a mediocre film.

Starship Troopers was also the major inspiration for Halo, and aside from hearing about the devs talk about it, you can see that reflected in the armour, the guns and the vehicles.

People who are playing it, what hardware are you running on and what's your average fps?

Seeing a lot of complaints from people with like 1070/1080s who say they're struggling

I mean the thing is, Starship Troopers is designed to be stupid. Roger Ebert really missed the point of the film. He said it was dumb that alien bugs who have no civilization are launching meteors at Earth, not realizing that that's the joke. It's funny because we are randomly invading an alien planet full of underdeveloped wildlife and having a mass die-off of millions of soldiers and the bugs for literally no reason. It's political commentary hiding behind an intentionally bad film. What I found so hilarious was that while Roger Ebert didn't catch this and thought the film was bad, this weird dude didn't catch it and thought the movie was a masterpiece.