Author Topic: No Man's Sky Official Megathread  (Read 105312 times)

I wonder if they've bothered to put in an FOV setting into the game cause christ it looks horrible, it's like Arma 2's tunnel vision FOV

I wonder if they've bothered to put in an FOV setting into the game
there is

good things
+good graphics
+fun core mechanics
+exploring is fun
+adventure to the middle of the galaxy actually gives some sort of goal
-player is limited on purpose (cant smash into ground 9/11 style, cant go to stars, thats just scratching the surface)
-possible multiplayer lie (unconfirmed)
-no gas giants
-bad fps on pc
-really cancer fov on console
-center of galaxy is really underwhelming what happens spoiler you just get randomly thrown into another galaxy with no choice. no galaxy map, no special item you recieve, and the planets in the new galaxy you get thrown in arent any different than euclid (starter) galaxy
-beginning of game is problematic due to overheating on the mine drill and inventory space
-sentinels are extremely agressive for no reason
-combat is kinda dull

If they had to keep track of who's mined and destroyed what, instead of just deleting it and generating it again when needed, they'd have to store all that data somewhere. It would make the game very prone to data corruption and other anomalies probably.
So how is base building going to work then?

So how is base building going to work then?

Not sure. I'd imagine we're going to get a set of 'prefabs' that we can link together. It's probably easier to just simply add objects to the world with basic values like type and position rather than try and give existing objects, which are part of the generation formula, extra attributes.

if the sentinels get mad it's your fault, or you went to a planet with aggressive sentinels.
and the "bad fps" thing varies on a user to user basis.

Honestly after giving it a bit of a shot and watching a lot of gameplay, the gameplay is embarrassingly shallow. Nothing meaningful to be done on the planets, the mechanics don't really have that much depth and a lot of the stuff the game does, cheaper games do way better. I love the space exploration but it feels painfully underutilized. Loads more of space battles, dangerous obstacles and interesting oddities could be thrown in without having to make new assets.

It seems like it's a show of what could have been a greater game. Give it two years of extra development and maybe it would have started to look like what it was promised to be. I didn't really buy into any of the hype and it was still kind of dull.

I'll give it this: the planets are incredible. Most of them are barren, but I got exactly what I expected and the generation on those things is truly incredible.

The problem is that instead of being focused on actual exploration (maybe if they just ditched the spaceship and you could find portals it might be more fun) it's focused on mining rocks. Seriously. Not even underground, the ore spawns as huge towers on these alien planets. That's the whole game. You go down onto planets and mine from huge rocks jutting out of the Earth. It's a gameplay mechanic that isn't even fun the first time you try it. What the hell made them think it would be a good idea to center a game around it?!

I'll give it this: the planets are incredible. Most of them are barren, but I got exactly what I expected and the generation on those things is truly incredible.

The problem is that instead of being focused on actual exploration (maybe if they just ditched the spaceship and you could find portals it might be more fun) it's focused on mining rocks. Seriously. Not even underground, the ore spawns as huge towers on these alien planets. That's the whole game. You go down onto planets and mine from huge rocks jutting out of the Earth. It's a gameplay mechanic that isn't even fun the first time you try it. What the hell made them think it would be a good idea to center a game around it?!
tell me, did you even bother finding all the different animals and plant specimens?

or did you even bother looking for korvax monoliths or outposts on planets?

Im a viking now
forget you all

>Go to last atlas space thing
O stuff
Whats gon happen
>Need 10 atlast stones
How do I not have 10? I did them all
>have 9 atlas stones
I traded for 30 mins so I could buy one for 2.7 Million loving units

More edit: Path of atlas is complete waste of time
« Last Edit: August 14, 2016, 09:13:59 AM by espio100 »

Is Omegon only available via traders and animals? I can't find it anywhere. I just got my sigma warp reactor though, so maybe the higher tier systems will have it?

I played this for 1,5 hours and felt like I had already done the rest of the game.
I can't play it more than 30 minutes per session without wanting to do something else.

It'd be great if going trough a black hole doesnt guarantee a broken loving part
Both my hyperdrives broke :(

Closest thing ive got to a T-Rex
« Last Edit: August 14, 2016, 12:25:36 PM by espio100 »