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48 (34.3%)
33 (23.6%)

Total Members Voted: 140

Author Topic: e̶l̶e̶c̶t̶r̶k̶'̶s day discussion topic i guess [day 1234]  (Read 1501015 times)

day of the 179 i was a bit caught up but i unlocked it earlier hence jshotgun getting the jump on me


senor watermelon in the planet starfruit

i just stepped on my sisters apple earphones and the earpeice cracked in two, im a dead man

counter your deadness by getting bitten by a zombie or vampire or both

become undead man

hello friends i have woken up at 6 in the afternoon

i go back to school tomorrow!! so hyped!!! anybody else glad to go back to school :)

i go back to school tomorrow!! so hyped!!! anybody else glad to go back to school :)

i made a blockland clan



motto: yiff in hell furcigarettes - badspot

anyone can join, just put SF in your clan tag

i was only bored this is why i made this

uh... okaaaaaaay.....
I gave seth a bird
yes and it good
i go back to school tomorrow!! so hyped!!! anybody else glad to go back to school :)
i wish

What happened to XR-7? He hasn't been here since December 17th