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Total Members Voted: 140

Author Topic: e̶l̶e̶c̶t̶r̶k̶'̶s day discussion topic i guess [day 1234]  (Read 1389662 times)

who is this person they added me and they aren't responding to me yelling bad words at them

ohhhh boy

meth you just  found your first [unassigned] user

TIPS: DO NOT click any links from them
DO NOT trade with them
DO NOT try to talk to them, they wont ever answer

There are thousands of these accounts on steam. Example:

thats from my blocked user list. Notice the same name, but different account. These are bots, all they do is try to steal your account.

WHAT TO DO: Report them then block them

its common knowledge dont click any links ever

who is this person they added me and they aren't responding to me yelling bad words at them
holy stuff, this happened to me like a week ago where I got a bunch of random friends request from CSGO bots.

groundbreaking discovery

who is this person they added me and they aren't responding to me yelling bad words at them
maybe you're not being offensive enough

welcome to generic weekend day 291

have a [SUPERB] end of the [WEEK] fellow [HUMANS]!

there's a lot of water on the ground

there's a lot of water on the ground
super dry here in the uk

so much water here that on Highway 736 right next to where I live, apparently one of the pipes burst and now its a waterfall
and right in the middle of some poor sod's driveway too

still though
hella lot of lightning last night, and its still raining right now

super dry here in the uk
this is impossible i call bullstuff

i found a store nearby that had 2 switches a while ago and now i have a switch and now mario kart is downloading aw yea today is a gr8 day

I entered a giveaway for a Switch + BotW, and Link and Zelda amiibos that i will inevitably fail because i'm so dirt poor

It's been going on for several days already, but i only heard about it halfway through and now there's 1/4th of a day left while i only have 145 entries and there's nearly 3 million total entries

RIP my chances, but hey, it was worth a shot

Have you guys ever won anything from a giveaway?

I've won a steam account from a giveaway. It was vac banned, had 3 chargebacks, and i believe the owner gavebit away for a reason

The next day i was kicked out of the group, pass had changed and it was a raffle